Chapter three: Emma

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I woke up at 7:00am today, that's pretty late for me. I took a quick shower and began getting ready quickly. I made a simple breakfast today; funny face pancakes and orange juice. Allen and the kids woke up at 8:00am. They ate and got ready. The kids were super excited to finally spend time with their dad. Allen dropped Charlotte off at ballet, and I went with her. He took Jack and Elizabeth to the park.
Charlie preformed great and she was one of the best at practice. (For her age group at least). I talked to some of the other moms that were apart of the PTA, about the next meeting while Charlie was doing leaps and spins.
Allen had an easy time with the kids, he just pushed them on the swings and bought them ice cream. He said it was easy, but he doesn't understand that I do much more than play with them. After ballet, Allen picked us up and we went home. It was around 2:00pm by this point, so I made the kids lunch and let them play with their toys upstairs after they ate. I started cleaning the living room while Allen smiled at his phone. He was always on his stupid phone.
"You know it would be great if you got off of your phone for two seconds, and payed attention to your kids, or better yet help me clean, or even start working on dinner." I snapped at him. "Honey, I'm texting about work. God sometimes you don't realize what I do is more important than what your stuff." He paused for a moment. I raised my eyebrows slightly and looked at him. "Oh is that so?" I said sarcastically. "I didn't mean it like that and you know that. I'm just saying that I'm the money maker. I work all day and night to put food on the table and pay the bills. You haven't worked since high school ended! For gods sake your silly housewife job isn't nearly as hard. All you have to do is cook, clean, and watch the kids!" He ranted. "If it's so easy you do it! I'll go have a spa day while you 'cook, clean, and watch the kids'!" I said, while handing him a mop and grabbing my keys. He rolled his eyes. "You're such a bitch sometimes. You know that?" I flipped him off and grabbed my purse. "Kids your mom is going to go have fun while I take care of you guys! Mother of the year right?!" He yelled up the stairs. Lizzy came downstairs. "Mom why are you and dad fighting?" She asked. I glared at Allen with my piercing eyes. "We aren't fighting sweetie. We were just talking, and daddy said that he wants to spend the rest of the day with you guys while I go take a break." I said calmly. "Okay!" She said excitedly. "Okay baby have fun with daddy! I'll be back before bedtime." I said, while pushing her towards Allen and walking towards the door. I drove to my sister's house. I knocked on her front door. "Emma! Are you home? I need you right now.." I said, simultaneously knocking on her wooden door with a stained glass window. She opened the door and looked at me with teary eyes. "Ella? Is that really you.?." She said in a desperate tone, while tightly hugging me.
  I haven't seen Emma in about 12 years (since I got married), she never liked Allen. She thought he was a shitty person, and that I deserved better. We have always been super close but I cut contact off with her and my mother after they refused to come to my wedding. We talked and cried together for hours. God. I missed Em so much. I broke down to her about how Allen acts with me and the kids. She told me to divorce him, but I knew that wouldn't work. He has laid hands on me before and would surely do it again.
  "Please Ella, leave him for good... he does nothing but hurt you! Plus how he treats you, is how he might treat the kids. Hell maybe he already is and you just don't see it!" She yelled at me. "I'm sorry Em but I just can't. Please don't say that! I would never let him hurt my babies. I think I should g-go.." She tried to apologize but I grabbed my belongings and left. I fixed my makeup in the car and drove home. I love Emma but she doesn't understand my situation. She has never been married or had a long term relationship.
  The second I walked into the door I knew something was off. "I'm home!" I yelled up the stairs. It was silent... "Allen? Kids!?" No response. I threw my stuff on the counter and slipped off my shoes. I ran up the stairs in a panic. I opened Elizabeth's door. "Lizzy?" I whispered. She didn't reply and I turned on the lights, she wasn't there. I ran through all of the kids rooms, the bathrooms, laundry room, everywhere. No one was there. I finally opened the door to mine and Allen's room. Nothing.
  I frantically called Allen, thinking about what Emma said. What if he hurt the kids? I thought to myself worriedly. "Allen!!!! Are you there? Where are my fucking kids!?" I yelled through the phone. "Chill out they are fine. I left them with my mom. I just needed to catch up with something at work." He said relaxed, and annoyed. I knew something was off. Then I heard it... a voice. A women's god damn voice. She was whispering in a sexy voice to my husband. At that point my heart sank. "Who is with you right now? Is that Maria? Allen I swear to god why are you with your co-worker instead of your fucking kids?!" I yelled at him. "Oh my god Eleanor! I'm not with anyone! You probably heard somebody on the phone or something! You're so stupid just use your head." He screamed at me. "Goodbye Eleanor I'll see you when I get home. The kids can stay the night at my mom's place." He hung up. I was shaking uncontrollably, I can't believe this is happening.

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