Chapter 3: Assessment

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AN: I'm so confused what shall I use for the names of ORV characters? Is the webtoon official or the novel?


Yoo Joonghyuk or Yu Junghyuk? Or can I switch between the two from time to time?

Chapter 3: Assessment

     Regaining consciousness, noises started registering in Kaidou's ears. He could hear the vague voice of someone.

" Mama? "

Kaidou muttered unconsciously. Opening his eyes, he was welcomed by a concerned expression directed to him by Lee Hyungsung.

" It's a relief you're awake kid. "

Kaidou was both disappointed and horrified that this wasn't a dream. He noticed that he was currently lying down and the thing that he was lying on wasn't comfortable. Glancing at Lee Hyungsung, he asked.

" Where am I? "

" We are still on the train. You fainted for 3 minutes. Because you fainted, and cabin 3807 is full, we decided to move you to another Cabin after checking that you only fainted and have you placed lying down on one vacant part of the train seats.  "

While Lee Hyungsung was helping Kaidou to a sitting position, the latter gave Hyungsung a grateful glance.

" Thank you, Lee Hyungsung-nim. "

" Don't think about it. You don't need to be polite and formal.   "

Picking an item on the floor, Lee Hyungsung handed it to Kaidou.

" Here. "

Kaidou accepted the backpack that was given to him. After accepting it, Kaidou reasoned that it must belong to Kim Namwoon so that was the reason Lee Hyungsung had given this backpack to him.

Opening it, he found a school I.D. It has a 1×1 face picture of Kim Namwoon looking gloomy and intimidating. The name, age, school– Cheongil High School, school year- 2nd year Student, section, home address, and guardian are indicated in the I.D. Surprisingly, he found the name of the guardian listed as someone who had a different surname from Namwoon.

In the I.D. it said that Namwoon is 18 years old. He was 1 year older than Shun. Other than the I.D. Shun found a touchscreen cell phone and it looked new. He hesitantly touched it, cautious that he would break it since he didn't know how does it work. He was aware of the existence of touchscreen cellphones. However, he doesn't own one.

The cellphone that he has isn't touchscreen and his cellphone only contains simple functions and necessary applications. His mother told Kaidou that he doesn't need game apps and others on his cellphone installed. It would only distract him from his studies. Glancing at the contacts, he found only a few 5 available contacts and the numbers were labeled by Kim Namwoon.

Uncle, Class Representative, Teacher, Shitty Therapist and Weakling. There was no signal on the train. Kaidou can't warn the people in Kim Namwoon's contact.

' I tried.. '

Kaidou Shun reasoned with himself and tried to lower the guilt towards those people. Glancing at the phone, Shun noticed that the battery was around 90%, and the time was 6:43 pm.

He can feel his heart beating quickly when he thinks of the time. Rummaging through Kim Namwoon's bag, Shun found a zombie apocalypse novel, a camping survival tips magazine, A book about guns and tanks, A Korean-translated Japanese shounen manga, A pen, a wallet with some coins, scissors, a needle in a pin cushion, thread, gauze, 3 chocolate bar, sleeping pills, an alcohol, and a disinfectant.

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