|| Mini Contest ||

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Hi all, welcome back to the The Fireflies Book Club

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Hi all, welcome back to the The Fireflies Book Club.

»»---- NOTICE ----««

• This is the Mini Contest Chapter explaining what you need to know.

• If you are new and have applied in the Forms Chapter and you can be apart of the Mini Contest, but after you have to complete the Mini Contest you MUST complete the Trail before you can be apart of the Book Club and Assignments.

• The Assignments will continue after the Mini Contest.

»»---- MINI CONTEST ----««

• The reason for this Mini Contest is to keep your writing alive and your mind active. Thus, aiding and avoiding writers block which is important to keep your mind in creative mode.

• The winner of choice will win a digital drawing of their character of choice by KawaiiAeon .

• The winner of choice will also win a digital Book Cover of their choice of book by Cmorey123 . Just for fun, as I find it enjoyable to make Book Covers.

• The winner and runner up of choice will both receive a shout out and shout out your book's of choice.

• There will be 2 synopsis/prompts given out but you can only choose 1 prompt. When you have chosen your desired prompt then you will have to write a short story of 2500-3000 words in one chapter for the Mini Contest.

• Your short story MUST be completely original and NO plagiarism. Everything in the short story must be your own ideas. You can have inspirations from other sources, however, the Plot, the Settings, the Protagonist, the Characters, the Overarching Arc, ect...MUST be your own work.

• You must make sure your short story is under the guidelines of Wattpad and make sure to mention if the Short Story contains any trigger warnings.

• You will be given 1 month to complete your Short Story. From the 10th of January to the 10th of February.

• You can choose to participate or not participate. It's completely up to you.

• If you don't participate you will NOT receive a strike.

»»---- JUDGE CRITERIA ----««

• You can choose to be a volunteer and aid in judging. But you can't judge your own work.

• Your Short Story can be any Book Category.

— Originality/Uniqueness 5/5
— Plot/Settings 5/5
— Description/Summary 5/5
— Dialogue/Inner Monologue 5/5
— Narrative 5/5
— Internal Conflict/External Conflict 5/5
— Protagonist/Characters 5/5
— Overarching Arc 5/5
— Overall Book Enjoyment 5/5
— Overall Book 5/5

Total score out of 50

»»---- HOW TO APPLY ----««

• To apply, you simply have to write your Short Story of 2500-3000 words on Wattpad and post it. The story must say Short Story in the title. However, if you wish to name your story, it must have (Short Story) in '( )'.

• You simply apply underneath which #Prompt you wish to enter after you have completed your Short Story.

• Both Cmorey123 & KawaiiAeon can participate but we cannot win.

»»---- PARTICIPATES ----««

— Would you like to participate in the Mini Contest?

— Comment on the #Prompt in the Prompts Section if you wish to enter, when you have completed your Short Story.

»»---- VOLUNTEERS ----««

— Would you like to be a volunteer in the Mini Contest?

— Comment on the #Prompt in the Prompts Section if you wish to aid in judging.

»»---- THE PROMPTS ----««

1st Prompts:
#1 — Write about a protagonist who is traveling the world. The character is on a bus and...?

#2 — Write about a protagonist who is traveling the world. The character receives a call...?

— Comment HERE {I wish to enter} to Participate for the 1st Prompts.

— Comment HERE {I wish to judge} to Volunteer for the 1st Prompts.

2nd Prompts:
#1 — Write about a protagonist who is going to Summer Camp. 2 or 3 characters have to...?

#2 — Write about a protagonist who is going to Summer Camp. The Camp is a cover up for...?

— Comment HERE {I wish to enter} to Participate for the 2nd Prompts.

— Comment HERE {I wish to judge} to Volunteer for the 2nd Prompts.

»»---- HAPPY WRITING ----««

Please, leave an inline comment, if you need an extension ------»»

Please, leave a comment, if you have any further questions!

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