|| Book Rules ||

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»»———- Book Rules ———-««

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»»———- Book Rules ———-««

If you do not agree with the rules and requirements of Fireflies Book Club, then, unfortunately, this is not the place for you. I would love to accept everyone, but the rules MUST be followed in order for this Book Club to be a happy and positive one.

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Fireflies Book Club is divided into 2 groups GROUP 01, PG  and GROUP 02, Mature.

→ You can enter only one book in each category.

→ Any book with excessive triggering or sexual theme must be entered in Group 02.

→ Both groups will have one admin assigned to them. They will be in charge of checking whether you have done your assignments correctly or not.

→ You must lookout for the password. [One of the password is hidden within this chapter]. You will need to enter the passwords in the forms later on.

→ After filling the forms, you will be added to a trial assignment. You must finish the trial to be accepted in weekly pairings.

→ All book submissions must be in English. 90% of the book should be in English. Using a few words and sentences in another language is okay.

→ The book you are entering must have at least 4 chapters already published with 1000+ words in each chapter. Any chapter less than that will not be considered one whole chapter.

→ All entries must adhere to the Wattpad guidelines.

→ We do not accept book playlists or poetry or random thoughts.

→ We understand that there is a need of break sometimes. Each member can take a temporary break [or hiatus] for maximum of 4 weeks. On completion of their assignment, they should mention that they want to go on hiatus.

If you request a break during an assignment then you must complete the assignment first then go on break. You cannot go on a break during the middle of an assignment. Password 1 is your favourite movie. If you fail to do so then you will receive a strike against your name and it is very unfair for the other person.

→ When upon leaving the Book Club, you still need to complete the assignment, because that is very unfair to the other person. It's just common courtesy if you finish your assignment then you can leave. If for some odd reason you leave without messaging us & get confused as to why you're still getting notified to finish the assignment or still get added to assignments, this is going to cause unnecessary confusion so please inform us of your departure.

→ Unlike other book clubs, Fireflies Book Club needs you to read 2 chapters in 2 weeks. That is 1 chapter in week. That is not a lot to ask.

If you have a genuine reason to not read 2 chapters in 2 weeks, extensions will only be given if you ask before the assignment ends.

Maximum extension will be for 5 days and you will be exempt from the upcoming assignment.

→ If you need to change your name for any reason then please message your admin team asap.

→ If you need to remove your book for any reason then please message your admin team asap.

→ You will need to re-fill the form if you want to move from one group to another. No trial is needed for swapping.

You must be friendly to others.

Fireflies Book Club will not tolerate cyberbullying. We have a zero-tolerance policy of disrespect, bullying, aggressiveness to other fellow members and just being plain rude and unfriendly. We do not tolerate it and if you are one of those people then you will receive a warning and in a worst-case scenario, you will receive a strike against your name.

This is an important factor in this book club community. We are not only here to gain reads, votes, comments, and follows but we are also here to gain friendships and to be a part of the reading and writing community. When you are a member of the Fireflies Book Club we expect you to be kind and respectful. If for some reason you do not understand how to be nice or respectful, then this is not the place for you.

If there are any vile comments that are extremely aggressive, rude, mean, and unfair comments in any way, then they will be removed once reviewed by us, and you will receive a strike against your name instead of receiving a warning because we do not tolerate bullying. If you understand the rules, requirements, and boundaries of being nice to one another then there will be no problem with bullies to worry about. Respect other members of the club the way you want to be treated; it is a two-way street.

In the occurrence of this ever happening then please message your admin team ASAP who is Cmorey123 & KawaiiAeon & we will sort it out. Or please do not hesitate to message the Fireflies Book Club account ASAP.

You MUST not discriminate. All genres MUST be treated equally. There may be some genres of books that you do not want to review, but this is unavoidable as you cannot be picky here because we all need help with our book{s}.

We MUST all be respectful of all the fellow admins, members, books, and genres.

We are a community of lots of people and sometimes you might be paired with a book that is not upto your liking. Please, let's not complain. We are here to help each other grow. Even if you are paired with, lets say–fan fiction, and you don't like fan-fictions, just pretend its not that. You have to focus on the writing and how you can help your partner improve. So, in cases like these, please forget the story and focus on the words.

Apart from that we are making sure that if you chose PG, we will pair you up with a book that's suitable for everyone. If you choose Mature, you can read everything!

[If in any way, you feel extremely uncomfortable or if there is any reason as to why you cannot read a certain book, please message your admin team ASAP, either Cmorey123 or KawaiiAeon & we will sort it out for you. Or please do not hesitate to message the Fireflies Book Club account ASAP.]

Please comment if you have any further questions!

Please comment if you have any further questions!

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