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"Push. Evelyn!" My coach, Amanda, yelled out. I was always so surprised by her volume and capacity to yell throughout the rink, especially right now with my long program music blaring through the speakers around the rink. I tried to push harder and faster into my Russian splits like she was instructing but I was tired. Exhausted. We had been on the ice for at least 2 hours now, having had a lesson before this with the jumps coach as well. My splits were bad, I popped it. She yelled out to keep going and so I did. I pushed through the last minute of my program, feeling my legs give out on my last jump which caused me to stumble and trip on my toe pick sending me straight down and into the ice. I let out a groan as I made contact, the cold ice causing a rip in my training stockings. My breathing was heavy as I rolled onto my back, laying on the ice in a starfish position as I waited for my lungs to catch up.

"Take a lap!" Amanda called over the music as it started playing again. I didn't have to look at her to know she was heading over to the booth to turn it off. I rolled back onto my front and stood up from the ice, catching Michael's eye as he stood in the Zamboni room, gate open as he was waiting for me to finish my lesson so he could cut the ice. He gave me a thumbs up and I rolled my eyes, taking a few cooking down laps around the rink before stepping off. Amanda passed me my guards and I popped them on my blades pretty much collapsing into one of the stadium seats with her next to me.

"It wasn't good, I know." I said, not needing her to tell me exactly what I already knew. I didn't push hard enough, didn't jump high enough or spin fast enough... It was a train wreck. She shrugged.

"At least you're self aware. You just need to pace yourself during your footwork so you have enough energy and power to get through your jumps and spins." I nodded, agreeing with her. I didn't feel like talking anymore, my brain was too tired to form words. Amanda patted me on the leg and stood up. "Get some rest. See you after the weekend." She said and I smiled up at her. I didn't have lessons tomorrow which was great as it meant I could sleep in tomorrow and enjoy my weekend. The boys had a hockey game in the town over tonight so they'll be going there. I decided to sit this game out due to being exhausted but Mackenzie was going and it was being streamed so I would be watching it from the comfort of my apartment.

I waited a few minutes after my coach left me to regain my strength. My legs still felt like jelly so I didn't want to collapse on the floor when I stood up. Eventually, I stood up from my seat and made my way into the locker rooms to take off my skates and get changed. It didn't take me too long, when I was finished I made my way out and up into the main area of the rink and quickly paid for my ice time before I decided to wait for Michael. He had just finished cutting the ice and was exiting the Zamboni room so I leant against the glass doors and waiting. He opened the door and winked at me before heading into the office to return the Zamboni keys.

"Hey, angel." He said as he returned to my side. I raised an eyebrow at him in questions. Angel? He had never called me that before. "Angel, huh? What happened to just Ev or Evie?" I asked, not used to the new pet name. He flashed me a cheeky smile. "Well, I can't just pleasure a girl and continue to call her her name if I see her again, can I?" Mike said and my cheeks flamed red as I blushed and gasped, glancing around to see if anyone heard him. "Michael! You can't say stuff like that!" I hissed and whacked him on the shoulder. He let out a loud laugh and reached down to lace our fingers together. "Come on, I'll walk you home."

We started to make our way out of the rink and towards my apartment, Michael immediately taking my skate bag from me as we did. "How many other girls do you call angel?" I questioned him and he chucked, tightening his grip on my fingers. "Just you." He replied and we continued the short journey across campus in silence— just enjoying each other's company as we went.

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