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I didn't sleep very well that night. A few factors played a part in that. One: Luke and Michael's couch, although spacious, was not the most comfortable to sleep on. Two: I couldn't stop thinking about the day's events. Three: Michael was right upstairs and I had the chance to sleep in his big, comfy bed with him but turned it down. Idiot. I wasn't sure I was ready for that right now anyway. Both boys were asleep when I woke up, and surprise, surprise... they were still when I returned with breakfast and coffee. I glanced over at the clock on the stove and shrugged. It wasn't even 9am. But if Luke still followed habit, I had no doubt he would be up soon and Mike would follow not long after. We were all used to waking up early for practices so it was unusual for us to sleep past 9am even on a weekend.

I decided to take the time to set out the breakfast options I had purchased from the campus grocery store and cafes. The grocery store on campus was small due to the fact that there were bigger stores further in town, but they still had some pretty great options. I was surprised when Michael was the first one out in the kitchen. I jumped slightly as he placed a hand on my shoulder and pressed a small kiss to my cheek before sitting up at the kitchen counter, in the same chair he sat in last night when I cleaned and dressed his wounds. Luke was not far behind and he sat in the other chair. It made me wonder if they sat like this every morning having breakfast before they started their day. "Good morning. Eat. I grabbed a few different things and a coffee for you both as well." I explained to them and Luke beamed a smile and went for the coffee first, passing Michael's before taking a big gulp of his own.I sipped mine as I studied the two of them. The bruising on their faces stood out more than anything. Especially Michael's. They didn't really seem bothered by it though. I watched on as they joked and chatted, seamlessly falling into their normal routine. I remained quiet as I sipped my coffee until Luke noticed and raised an eyebrow at me. Michael also looked over at me and I let out a small chuckle, shaking my head. "You two act like an old married couple." I pointed out to them and they shrugged, agreeing with me. I smiled at the two of them and finished off my coffee before grabbing one of the breakfast sandwiches. I found it cute that they had become best friends and felt comfortable with each other so quickly. I could only imagine what they were like when they were on their own.

"So, Luke. Who was that girl you were talking to last night at the bar?" Michael questioned him and I immediately stopped eating my sandwich and looked at my twin brother. Oh my god. Luke was talking to a girl? "Lukey, you didn't tell me you were talking to a girl." The slight blush that crept onto his face had me smiling and I stepped towards the kitchen counter and leaned forward more. My beaming smile didn't falter as I held Luke's eye contact. We were always good at silent conversations and had them frequently. Our parents hated it. Luke didn't say much in return and I could feel Michael's gaze on us as he watched the silent conversation. I squinted slightly, trying to squeeze more information out of my twin. He blinked and I pulled back. "Oh my god. You like this girl. Tell me all about her." I said to him and he rolled his eyes, chuckling slightly. I needed to know everything so I could determine if she'd be good for my brother. Michael raised an eyebrow at us and gestured between the two of us. "What the fuck was that?" He asked and Luke and I looked at him at the same time. We knew what he was talking about, but we just wanted him to say it. "That weird silent look, conversation thingy." He clarified. Luke and I chuckled.

"It's a twin thing. Our parents and older brothers hate it when we do it. I don't think we've really done it around our friends." I shrugged and Luke agreed. The look of question still remained on Michael's face and I couldn't help but flash a smile at him. "But... you guys aren't actually reading minds or anything. Like, that doesn't exist." He stated, his brows furrowed and I just winked at him and Luke let out a small laugh. This is the part we always loved. "I guess you'll never know, Angel." I spoke, using his word against him. He rolled his eyes, a small smile on his face as I turned my attention back to Luke. "Tell me everything." I said again, gesturing for him to speak as I continued to eat my breakfast sandwich once again. He shook his head at me and chuckled. "Her name is Sierra. She just transferred to our school and was invited by some of her new friends to the game last night. We ran into each other at the bar and she recognised me from the game. She's actually studying nursing, like you. I remember her saying that once her transfer is complete, she can resume classes so maybe she'll end up in your class." Luke explained and I nodded, promising him I'll keep a look out. He added that they were meeting up later today for lunch so they could get to know each other more.


I left the boys apartment not too long after we finished breakfast, stating that I wanted to take a nap in my own bed. And I did. Climbing into my bed and snuggling under the covers felt like heaven after trying to sleep on Luke's couch. It didn't take too long for me to fall asleep, answering Mackenzie's text message from earlier this morning; she was asking how Luke and Michael were after last night. I replied that they were fine, just bruised up and asked how Ashton and Calum were in return. I had no doubt she would be at their apartment. Her and Calum were attached at the hip pretty much from the moment they met. It wasn't long after the text that I dozed off, buried under my blanket and pillows. It was like sleeping on a cloud.

2 hours had passed by the time I had woken up from my nap. Solid. I climbed out of my bed and grabbed my home, heading off into the kitchen and answering the text message my mother had sent me asking how everything was going and if Luke and I would be visiting next weekend as it was one of our older brothers birthday. Of course we would be going, we never missed any of their birthdays. A knock at the door broke me out of my phone trance. Placing my phone on the kitchen counter, I headed over to my front and pulled open the door. Michael stood on the other side and I tried to hide the small smile that crept onto my face. He slid his phone into the back pocket of his jeans as he noticed me open the door. "Well, hello. What brings you here?" I asked him and he raised an eyebrow in question. He took a step forward and I took one back, gesturing my head towards the open door as an invitation for him to enter.

As he did, he grabbed a hold of my wrist and pulled me after him, slamming the door shut behind me and pushing me up against it. "I have wanted to do this since last night." He breathed and pressed his lips to mine. The kiss started off slow but it was easy to tell his patience and controlled manner was slipping. I threaded my fingers through his hair and tugged on the roots which caused him to groan and press me harder into the door in return. He detached from my lips, which were no doubt already red and swollen from his, and started to litter marks down my neck. I was starting to discover that he liked marking my skin... and I sure as hell wasn't complaining. "You didn't sleep in my bed last night." He stated and I bit my lip to hold back a noise of pleasure as he continued to leave marks. I hummed and nodded. "I- I wanted you to rest.. You needed it." I told him and wrapped my arms around his neck as his own hands traveled down the side of my body and under the hem of my shirt. He hummed against my skin, wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me tightly against him. His bottom half kept mine pinned to the door with little room to escape as he reattached our lips, this time with more desperation. I reciprocated this, not holding back myself. "Hmm.. it was probably for the best. I would have never let you go." My body shivered as one of Michael's hands held tightly onto my hip as the other one found it was into my hair. His fingers tangled with my locks and he yanked my head back. I let out a small breathless chuckle as he did and looked down at him. He flashed me a cheeky smile before placing a kiss at the base of my throat. "We wouldn't have gotten much sleep... I would have tied you to my bed and pleasured you all night." My heart was loudly thumping away in my chest, my body temperature climbing significantly as he spoke. He winked at me. I was sure he could hear how loud my heart was beating. "Oh.. is that something you're into, Angel?" His voice was rough as he spoke and I let out a shaky breath. Michael chuckled and loosened his grip on my hair before placing a soft kiss on my lips and stepping back.

I lowered my head and looked at him, his eyes just as fiery as my own. My breathing was fast as I tried to control it as the two of us stared at each other. "You asshole." I said, shaking my head as he just winked and chuckled. This man was going to be the death of me. He was so incredibly intoxicating, commanding and just... in charge. He knew exactly what he wanted and went after it. "You've really got to stop doing stuff like that or I'm going to have a heart attack." I said to him, having regained my composure and walking past him and heading to the kitchen. I needed a glass of cold water. He followed me. "Don't pretend like you don't love it. I can see and feel the way your body responds to me. You would do anything I say." He pointed out and I cursed him for being so good at reading people. He was right. When wasn't he? "I never said I didn't like it." I loved it. "But I also think we need to have a proper chat about whatever this is. Are we in a relationship? Just friends? I need to know." I said, pouring us both a drink from the cold pitcher of water and he nodded, seemingly agreeing to what I was saying. We both took a sip from our drinks. "Well, let's talk." Michael said, holding out his hand towards me. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28 ⏰

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