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How the fuck am I supposed to find a way to hold Jisung away from all this? What does he think am I supposed to do? I need to tell Ji but I don't know if Minho would do something to him. And I don't know how he will react if he finds the gun in our room.

But I wonder why he was so chilled when I told him my cousin works in the mafia business and that he had really no problem or questions about it. Would he also be so chilled if he finds a gun? What would he do if he finds a gun?

I have no choice. Minho wants me to have always a gun on my side so I must do so.


Somebody knocks on my door.

"Come in" I say sitting on my chair by my desk, files open on my laptop.

Chan walks in "We are invited to a event tonight and I think we must go there."

"What kind of event?" I ask a bit annoyed because I'm not the type for big parties.

"A business one. Many people with much power. We need to show that we exist and are ready to fight but also to do alliances." Chan explains.

"Ok. When is it?"

"Tonight at 8pm. Who should come?" Chan asked.

I don't need to think about it. "The boys." A little silence. "And can at least 10 Bodyguards be stationed at the campus plus 2 extra in the hallway of Felix room. Just for safety. The ones at Felix room should have a bit distance to the room. No one should know it's their room they are watching."

"Ok I will send them immediately. Anything else?"

"What is with the ones who tried to attack Felix?"

"We are still on them but they don't say anything." He answers a bit disappointed.

"Do more even if they die. I want to know who hired them." I say.

Chan walks out of my office. Tonight will be fun 😒 but it needs to be done. I have no choice.

I finished my work and decide to visit Felix and tell him about the event and the bodyguards.

I knock on the door but no one responds. After 2 minutes of knocking I open the door to find the room empty. I hear the sound of the shower. Hopefully it is Felix so I wait.

5 minutes pass by and the bathroom door opens but the one coming out is Jisung.

"Oh." He is of course in shock. "Do you search for Felix?"

"Yes. Do you know where he is?"

He thinks a bit. "I think he wanted to meet with somebody."

"Who?" I ask. I feel the anger and anxiety.

He thinks again. "Uhm. I don't know."

"Do you know where?"

"I'm sorry but no" He looks down. "Do you think something is going to happen to him?"

"I don't know. I will go search for him. Bye." I stand up and go.

"Bye." He says when I closed the door.

I tried calling him and the boys but no one answers.

While walking around the campus Chan calls me back but he also don't know where Felix could be.

I arrived in front of the dorm and saw Felix on a bench. He was kissing somebody. As I approached them I recognise the other person.

I ran. I ran far away so I didn't explode and could possibly kill someone. Afer a time I stop and found myself in the hallway of Felix's and Jisung's room so I entered it again.

"Hi. Oh you came back. Where is Felix? Did you found him? Is he alright?" He asks worried.

"Yes." I was still a bit panting. "I found him b-but he was kissing somebody."

"Oh. Who? Is it so bad?" He asks a bit irritated probably because I stuttered a bit.

"He was kissing Hyunjin" I say shocked.

"Oh. Probably because of this he didn't want to tell me." He sounds so understanding. "Anyway. If you want you can tell me what you wanted to tell him. This could bring you a bit time to order your thoughts."

"Um. I wanted to say that tonight there will be some bodyguards around here." I can't meet Felix now. I don't know what would happen if I meet him now. So I did like he suggested.

"Oh okay. Do you think something could happen to him?" Why is he so calm?

"Um I don't know. Safe is safe."

"Ok I will tell him after he comes back. And I hope you won't do anything stupid with Hyunjin. You don't need to lose loyal friend just because of love." He tried to give me an advise.

"I will try." I answer looking down.

"Good. Do you want to stay here a bit or do you need to go?" He asks.

"What time is it?" I lost my sense of time.

He takes a look on his phone. "6.30pm"

"Oh. I need to go."

"Ok. Bye."He sounds a bit sad but I have no time to think about it now.

"Bye." I walk out and rush to my car. My thoughts still with felix and Hyunjin. But Jisung is right I can't lose a friend because of such a stupid reason.

30 minutes later stops the car in front of our headquarter. I walk inside and put my tuxedo on.

The car already waits for me in front of the building with Chan and 2 bodyguards in it. I take my gun and enter the car.

"The others will come in other cars a bit later." Chan informs me.

"Ok. Are the bodyguards already at the campus?"

"Yes. I send them an hours ago. They will stay there 'til tomorrow morning."



I am soooooo happy. 🩷

I just saw that some people already put this story in their reading lists. 💙
It's sooooooooo awesome.

And this just after a week after beginning with this story. It's unbelievable for me.💜

I started this just because I read so many other fan fictions and thought it could be fun to write my own too.
I didn't really expected someone would read it.

And I know it's kinda trash. Be kind to me. It's my first time writing a story and it's also in english. My vocabulary is not very good but I try my best.

Hope we will hear from each other.


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