𝐢. the girl from the ocean

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The sun had only just begun to rise when she emerged from the water, dragging herself up the shoreline until her tail had completely disappeared and the last remnants of salt water had evaporated.

She straightened out her pristine white dress and adjusted her heels ever so slightly before taking off in the direction of the nearby village. She kept her head down unwilling to attract attention as she approached the buildings in front of her. However her plea to remain unnoticed was ignored, once again, as she was spotted by two young men from across the street.

"Hey, you. Are you looking for something?" The burlier of the two called out to her.

"No. I'm not." She replied haughtily, trying to keep her answer short as she turned another corner. The two men followed, oblivious to her disgust at their behaviour.

"Then, how about coming to get a drink with us?"

"No thank you. I'm in a hurry." She kept her tone clipped and walked a little faster not wanting to resort to using her peculiarity so early on.

"I haven't seen you around before? I'd definitely remember you if I'd seen you before. Do you live here?" One of them asked slinging his arm around her shoulder. Unable to contain her rage Siren whipped her head around and spoke up again.

"You're going to leave to get your drink and forget you ever saw me." She commanded, her voice smooth and compelling as her eyes turned a shade of icy blue that indicated she was using her ability in the first place.

The two men seemed to be drawn into a stupor as they turned around and walked away from her.

Continuing on in what she hoped was the right direction, Siren tried to locate the entrance to Miss Peregrine's loop. Her ymbryne had described it briefly to her before she had escaped from the hollowgast that had wiped out her own loop completely.

Probing around the cliff side she found an entrance into a cave that vaguely matched the description she had been given and ventured inside. An invisible breeze rushed around her as she clambered over the rocks and into a beautiful sunny garden. Siren smiled to herself, pleased that she had located the loop and headed in the direction of a large ivy covered house. Dusting off her dress she climbed the front steps and knocked sharply on the door.

The second she had removed her hand from the wood it flung open to reveal a tall youthful woman, smoking a pipe.

"You're a minute late." She remarked as she checked a pocket watch. "I'm Miss Peregrine. It's so wonderful to meet you." She extended her hand which Siren took gratefully and shook.

"Siren Valentine."

"I was so very sorry to hear about Miss Treecreeper and the rest of your loop. Come, let me show you around before everyone else wakes up for breakfast."

Siren stepped inside and looked around curiously at the wooden stairs and narrow windows. She listened quietly as they begun the tour trying to absorb all of the information that she was given.

"This is the kitchen and that door, over there, leads to the dining room where we have all of our meals." Miss Peregrine gestured towards another oak panelled door that had intricate carvings of flowers and vines.

"Would you like some tea?" She asked and Siren shook her head.

"Oh no thank you."

"That's perfectly alright. I would have had to wake Emma up to boil the kettle anyway. Shall we go outside?"

The gardens were truly magnificent and Siren stopped for a moment to stare down at the vegetable garden in awe. As they continued down the path she marvelled at the hedges sculpted to resemble animals and other figures. As they made their way back towards the house Miss Peregrine glanced at her watch again.

"The children will start waking up now. It's best we get back inside to help with breakfast." Siren nodded and prepared herself to meet her new housemates.

As they entered through the front door and into the landing a well dressed boy in a suit traipsed down the stairs clutching a worn book to his chest.

"Good Morning. I'm Horace." He greeted her.

"Siren Valentine."

"Delighted to meet you. We sorely need some new blood here and I knew you would arrive today." Siren shook his hand politely and watched as he walked off leaving her alone with Miss Peregrine once again.

"Let's get you a seat at the table." The older woman declared leading her downstairs to what was presumably the basement. Miss Peregrine walked around the piles of old furniture and toys with practiced ease before producing a wooden dining chair that she carried back up the stairs.

When they entered the dining room, almost all of the seats were filled and Miss Peregrine placed the chair between a little girl with blonde ringlets and Horace who had introduced himself already.

As the seats slowly filled up Siren couldn't help but notice the small glances that were directed towards her.

"Enoch. You're late." Miss Peregrine chastised and Siren glanced up to see who she was talking to. Her eyes widened a fraction at the boy who had just walked in

"Sorry, Miss Peregrine." He replied taking a seat at the other end of the table, a couple seats down from her. Siren glanced at him one more time, taking in his tall stature and dark hair appreciatively before she looked back at her plate.

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