𝐢𝐢. introductions

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"Now let me introduce everyone." Miss Peregrine said clasping her hands together. "On my right is Emma, she is a pyrokinesis." A blonde girl who looked to be roughly the same age as Siren smiled at her from across the table.

"That is Fiona, she tends to the vegetable garden outside." She gestured to a wild looking girl with brown hair beamed at the praise.

"Olive can levitate. Millard ..." She paused momentarily.

"Go and put some clothes on. Polite persons do not eat in the nude." She scolded a seemingly invisible boy, who vacated his chair with a huff of annoyance."Bronwyn has her strength and Hugh has his bees." Siren glanced over towards another little girl and a boy wearing a beekeeper's hat over his head, giving them small smiles of acknowledgment. "We have Horace who you know already, then the twins, then Claire and finally there's Enoch."

"It's very lovely to meet you all. I'm Siren."

"That's a pretty name." The little girl, Claire, piped up.

"Thank you. I like your hair it's gorgeous." Siren replied, she had always had a soft spot for the younger children in her loop and Claire really was adorable.

"Siren what's your peculiarity?" Bronwyn asked, leaning across the table.

"Oh Miss Peregrine please let me show everyone after breakfast." Horace asked leaving Siren a little confused as to how exactly he was planning do that.

They ate the rest of the food quickly, chatting quietly amongst themselves. Siren spent most of the meal talking to Claire, who had finished her food at an extraordinary speed with the help of her second mouth. Once they had finished they filed out into the living room for what Hugh called 'movie time'.

She sat down on a plush armchair next to Enoch who was already lounging there with a mug clutched in his right hand.

"Hello. I'm Siren." She said softly as Claire rushed to claim the only available space left on their sofa.

"I know." He looked over at her with a raised eyebrow as though he didn't quite understand why she was repeating herself.

Before she could say anything else the lights were flicked off and a glowing light emerged from the eye piece Horace was using, projecting a vision onto the screen in front of them. It was a vision of him standing in a tailor shop. Siren frowned, now very confused.

"Are those his dreams?" She asked and Claire nodded.

"Some of them are prophetic." She squeaked.

"Most of them are about clothes." Enoch huffed, looking incredibly bored as he threw his head back and drummed his fingers on the arm rest.

Siren watched as the vision changed to a familiar looking beach. It was the one she had emerged out of that very morning and she watched entranced as her past self surfaced from the water, blinking at the sunlight. The smaller children oohed and awed as her tail came into view behind her and even Enoch had sat up a little straighter. It really did look beautiful, the scales reflecting the weak rays of light seemed to glitter. She watched as the picture changed again to her walking down the town road with the two horrible men following close behind her. Before they could say anything the vision flashed to an alarmingly close view of her eyes changing colours and then finished with her arrival to the house.

"Right. That's quite enough of that for one day, off you go. Siren you can follow Enoch around until we get you some chores off your own." Miss Peregrine announced flicking the lights back on.

"Oh Miss Peregrine please can Siren come with me." Claire pleaded and Enoch laughed.

"Maybe she doesn't want to play dolls with you all day, have you ever considered that Claire?" Enoch scoffed.

"My dolls are much prettier than your dolls." The little girl huffed stomping her foot in frustration.

"They're not dolls. They're homunculi." He snapped, storming out of the room leaving Siren to trail after him awkwardly. They ascended the stairs in silence making their ways to what she assumed was Enoch's room.

He pushed the door wide open and Siren followed him apprehensively. An entire corner of the room had been taken over by a floor to ceiling shelf of glass specimen jars. She wandered over to get a closer look and took a step back when she realised that the jars were filled with tiny organs and body parts.

"I'm a dead riser." Enoch explained sitting down at a nearby desk. "They're like puppets. They just do anything I tell them to." He said using a knife to make an incision into a doll with human eyes and pincers for hands. "It's even more fun with people."

"Do you— Do you have human bodies?" She asked dragging her hand over the glass jars.

"Only the one but I don't do anything to him." He sighed.

"I could get some for you."

His head snapped up and his eyes widened just a touch at her rather morbid statement but he looked more intrigued than disgusted by her words which Siren hoped meant he was considering her proposal. "We would have to ask Miss Peregrine first and there's no way she'd let us." Before she could reply the doll Enoch had been tinkering with twitched and began to rise. Siren watched as it clambered across the table and began to drag a pair of scissors towards Enoch who took them with a small nod and then it fell backwards unmoving.

"You should have seen some of the epic battles I used to have at my parent's funeral parlor." He laughed pulling the heart out of the dolls chest.

𝐋𝐔𝐒𝐓 𝐅𝐎𝐑 𝐋𝐈𝐅𝐄 | enoch o'connorWhere stories live. Discover now