Chapter 1

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"Hey Y/N are you free today we have party tonight we going for drinks?" Lisa ask she's Y/N best friend they both become friends from first year from college
"Um sure" Y/N says

At Bar
"Come on Y/N let's dance it's our last year in college we should party..." Lisa says half drunk
"Lisa you dance I'm not in mood" Y/N says
"Urgh fine you such a boring babes" Lisa says and go for dance
"I know" Y/N shouts and laugh at Lisa drunk stage she pull out her phone and start chatting and took a sip her wine when she hear a voice
"Um one beer" he said and took a seat next to Y/N she still looking at her phone he look at her but he can't see her proper she has her hair fall on her face
"Here's your beer... And mam do you want something else?" Bartender ask
"Um no thanks" Y/N said and look at guy who sit next to her he look stressed

Wow he's hot.. man seriously I'm falling for a stranger he look stressed but why? Gosh I'm on my phone while this hot guy is sitting next to me what's wrong with you Y/N....

"I need one more beer" hot guy asked...

Damn he's deep voice. Gosh I'm falling for him...

"Um you okay miss?" Y/N come in reality and saw the hot guy asked her
"Yea I just thinking about something" Y/N said and smile and he smile back at her
"Well I'm Tom and you?" Tom said
"I'm Y/N" Tom smile at her
"Y/N beautiful name so what you doing here alone at bar at this time" Tom ask while drinking his beer
"Well I'm not alone my friend over there.." Y/N says and point at Lisa who's half drunk and flirting with some guy
"I see".. he just said this and lower his head
"I don't know i should ask you this but.. are you okay I mean you look stressed just asking" Y/N said looking at Tom he look at her like someone here for him
"Yea.. I'm fine just.. I'm getting married and yea I'm stressed that's it" Tom says
"Wow that's great you're getting married" Y/N said
"Do you have a boyfriend?" Ton ask Y/N look at him and he lean closer to her
"Um.." Y/N tries to say but cut by Lisa tom and Y/N look at lisa
"Hey let's go we getting late" Lisa says
"Yea let's go um bye now" Y/N said and look at tom he smile at her
They both left and tom watch her leaving

After few days later at college
"Y/N who was that guy on bar that day?" Lisa ask with wink
"I don't know babes you know I stalk him but I can't find him" Y/N said with puppy face
"Aw it's ok you can find him babes don't worry" Lisa says and both enter in class
"Well he's getting married he tell me that night" she said
"What?" Lisa ask as they both sit and start pulling out their books Y/N looking at her bag looking for something
Bell ring
"Hello everyone I'm your new professor my name is Tom Hiddleston but you can call me professor hiddleston and sir an.." He stop when he saw Y/N she look at him in shock
"And if you want to ask me so you can" he smile and start writing on board while looking at Y/N
"Fuck" Y/N mumble and start writing in her book

I was shocked to see Y/N here when we first met I fall for her I know I have fiancé but we don't have good thing between each other it's been week I looking for Y/N but I can't find her I don't expect her to met like this I'm looking at her in whole class but she don't let her eyes met mine she's avoiding eye contact when class was over she quickly pack her things and get out of class with her friend and then she make eye contact with me... She look so beautiful today I can't take my eyes off from her

Gosh he's my professor the guy I fall for is my professor oh no..

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