Chapter 20

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"Tom I need to tell you something" Y/N said as tom cover her eyes with his hands "not yet i have something for you" she sigh "Tom atleast tell me where we going!?"
"Shh it's surprise" tom whisper in Y/N ear "You and your surprise" she sigh and hold his hand "we are here now open your eyes" as Y/N open her eyes she gasp "tom" she turn and saw tom on his knees
"Y/N I think this is the best time to ask you I know we been together for long enough now. the first time I met you on bar then college." He took deep breath as he don't know what to say he's nervous "will you marry me" he ask Y/N just froze "Y/N!" Tom hold her hand waiting for her answer but Y/N just pull her hand from his tom frowns his brows "tom-i can't" "wha-" she took deep breath "tom I can't marry you I don't want to marry not now- I want to make my name" she said tom stood up "Y/N I know you want to make your name but" he cut off by Y/N "Tom I'm sorry but I can't marry you" "is there any other reason"
"There a lot reasons but that doesn't mean what is the real reason I want to make my name I wanan do something not just marrying and having kids I know you want it but I can't give you that tom" She said tom close his eyes "so what now" he ask
"I'm sorry" Y/N said and left

She left me what- I can't believe it she left me I thought- I brust into tears as I get home Y/N why you do that..


I enter in class hoping to see its been days I toke day off we don't even contact as I enter but she's not in here where is she? I saw Lisa she's sad what's happening after class I talk with Lisa "Lisa can I ask you something?" I ask her "of course sir" I nod "where's Y/N" lisa just sigh and took deep breath "she left!" I frown at her words "what you mean she left?"
"Uh actually she get job so she shift from here back to her parents house" "I just stare at her "she's just here in London because of college it's over thats why" Lisa said and left no it's can't be she left me why WHY- I drive to my house I brust into tears as I enter in I fell in my knees

I sigh as I look outside from Windows watching the beautiful view of new york I'm back I'm sorry tom I close my eyes as my mobile ring I saw it's tom I staring at his number controlling my tears I'm sorry I mumble as I cut his call and turn off my mobile I control myself as the cab stop in front of my House I force a smile and ring the bell my mom open door with happiness in her eyes "aw sweetie" she said and hug me "mom" I mumble in her shoulder I hug her tightly I pull away "come finally you're here sweetie" mom said as she pull me inside "no hugs for dad"I turn and saw my dad I smile "Dad!" I hug him "I miss you my princess" I smile as I pull away "Woah Look who's back" I turn and saw my brother I smile and run to him "I'M BACK!!" I Said "FAMILY HUG" I said everyone laugh and we hug "Now our family is complete"mom said we'll laugh " I miss this little drama queen" bro said I laugh "I going to fresh up"I said "okay sweetie"


"Sweetie can I come in" mom ask "yea mom" I said as mom enter in room and sat besides me "sweetie are you ok" mom ask me "yes mom I'm fine" I hold her hand "lying to your mom baby I can tell you you're hiding something tell me" I took deep breath I can't control it as I brust into tears I hug her "shh baby what happened" she ask me "mom-mom." Mom just hug me tightly and rubing my back I start sobing after crying I calm down and pull away "what happened sweetie tell me"mom ask me "nothing i-i-just miss you all" I lied "aw baby now you are here" she hug me how I tell you mom "ok now no more cry"she wipe my tears "now come I make your favorite food" she said I smile "you go mom I'm coming" I said "ok" she said and left I took deep breath and pick my mobile I saw tom messages asking where I'm he miss me but ignore him we can't be together tom.. our age gap you want bride family and I want to my name I close my eyes and lay on bed "Y/N come mom make your favorite dish" my brother said I smile and follow him as he irritate me as always we sat and watch movie talking eating I smile this is my life my family my career


She's ignoring me he sigh as he order one more beer "sir you already drunk" bartender said i roll my eyes "tom" tom turn and saw chris "Chris" he said fully drunk "come on lets get you home brother" Chris said as he helps him to stood up "she left me chris" i brust into tears "Tom!" This is the first time Chris saw him like this he love her but in return what she give him as chris saw Tom crying in bar he already drink a lot his eyes are red its look like be dont sleep "tom come lets go home" chris helo him and took him his house he lay tom in guest room "Y/N"


"Mom I'm going" I said "Wait" mom said
"Mom it's my first day I can't be late" I kiss mom cheek and left fuck I'm late I get in building I press lift button great my first day at work and here I'm waiting for lift to come down come on!!! I press frustratedly "you can press in gently" I heard a deep voice I turn and saw a beautiful boy damn I look at him "I'm Alex and you?" "I'm Y/N" as lift door open we both get inside "new here?" Alex ask me "um yea actually this is my first day here at work" I said "oh" I nod I bite my lips "Has anyone ever told you how beautiful you are?" I look up at him as I thought about tom "um well yes" I said he look at me "you're something else" he chuckled i giggle "I'm" I laugh "well our floor comes.. lady's first" I get out of elevator he follow after me as I get to know "Hi I'm Rachel" "I'm Y/N"
"You know Alex" Rachel ask me
"No we met in elevator" I said as she gasp "What" I ask her "bro he's our boss brother damn" I look at her with shocked face "what!?" "Yup girl he's our boss younger brother I'm dying to get his attention for last 2 years and you get his attention in five minutes" she laugh I laugh to "gosh" I laugh "Y/N!" I heard voice I saw Alex "um yea" "hey I was just asking if you would like to go for coffee with me" Alex ask I look at rachel who's mouth is open. "um" rachel nod me to say yes "sure" I smile "great then after work?' alex ask I nod with smile he smile back and left "Oh My God Y/N you going on date with The most hot guy in office.. I'm jealous" Rachel said we both laugh


"Tom you awake" Chris ask as tom sat on stool "yes I'm" Chris nod "how you feeling?" Chris ask Tom sigh "I don't know actually I don't feel anything" tom said "Tom" he start crying when Chris hug him "why she do this Chris" he sobbing "sh tom calm down" "I can't live without her Chris I can't-" Tom is really bad condition Chris just hold him he was shocked to see tom like ths

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