Chapter 3

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At college*
"Morning students" tom says but his eyes scanning for Y/N but she's not in class
After class
"Ah miss brown can i ask yous something" tom ask Lisa "sure sir"
"Uh where's Y/N I mean she didn't come college today is she ok?" Tom ask with concern
"Oh yea she's fine but I don't know why she didn't come" she answer tom nodded Lisa left
Tom start looking for Y/N address and he find it

Why she didn't come I hope she's fine I want to talk to her what's wrong with me I'm falling for a girl who is ten years younger than me but i don't know i want to be with her i want to see her everyday talk to her god I love her.. after driving I finally reach her house I'm nervous but shy I'm nervous I should knock I knock and wait for door to open after 2 minutes the door open and I saw Y/N in shorts and lose t shirt her hair in messy bun which i tried very hard not to aww she look so cute

"Um you here?" Y/N says
"Can I come inside" Tom says
"Yea sure" Y/N says and he enter in she close door behind her she turn and saw tom already looking at her
"Why you didn't come today?" Tom ask
"Um" she cut off when he said
"Are you uncomfortable with me is it?" He ask while looking in her eyes
"No I'm not it's just" she again cut off when he said
"Y/N I'm not gonna lie I have feelings for you and I don't know how this happen but I think I'm falling for you" tom says and hold her hand
"Wh..You serious?" Y/N says tom sigh
"Yes Y/N I'm serious I have fall for you when I laid eyes on you" he said and hold Y/N hand
"I thought i get off from you but when I saw you on college then I realise it's not just a feeling I have fall for you" He cup her cheek
"I'm sorry" tom says as he come closer to her "sorry for what" Y/N says softly he come more closer to her lips "for this" he said and kiss her first she didn't kiss him back but few seconds later she kiss him back her hand found his neck and his hand found her waist and pull her closer to him after minute they both pull back and breath heavily and look into each other eyes Y/N seem shocked what just happened
"If you feel the same then met me after class tomorrow" He said and smile "I see you tomorrow" tom says with smile and kiss her forehead and leave

What just happened! He loves me what I'm gonna do I kissed him back this gonna be awkward but no he says I'll met him after class I feel for him but is it love I mean he's my professor and he's older then me I'm I falling for him he has fiancé!! He's getting married what the fuck I don't want to become third person in his life fuck Y/N what you think you doing Kissing your professor he tell you he loves you shit!!!.....

"You kissed her Tom seriously" Chris says
"I know Chris what I do is wrong but if she didn't love me she would stop me from kissing her infact she kissed me back" tom says
"And what about Kate?" Chris ask tom look at him and breath deeply
"I don't know Chris I love Y/N" Tom says
"But you just know her.. what happened if has a boyfriend" Chris says tom look at him
"I hope she don't" tom says and take deep breath

Next day

I don't what I'm gonna do tom says he want to meet after class.. shit I enter at class and saw tom already there he sat on his chair and reading he saw me and smile I smile and quietly sat on seat when Lisa start asking me about why I don't come yesterday I lied her about being sick I know she's my best friend but I can't tell her about me and tom as class get start I can feel tom stare

I can't take my eyes of from her Y/N don't know what power she hold on me I can't believe I never feel this way towards kate this is the first time I felt this for someone..

After class*
I was looking for Y/N I told her to met me after class but where she is? After looking everywhere I spot Y/N I smile at her and start going towards her but who is he? Some boy come and hug Y/N from behind and she smile at him who is he? Her boyfriend?

He hide behind pillar
"Nick!!" Y/N said nervously
"You have no idea how I miss you" he hug her
"You here?" Y/N ask nick pulled away
"Why you're not happy to see me here" nick says and cup her cheek
"No I'm happy" Y/N says as nick kissed her but he pulled away
"You okay Y/N I think you Looks like you didn't miss me" nick says and cross his arms
"No I miss you but I'm just surprised we talk last night and you said you have work and now you here standing in front of me" Y/N says nick laugh
"I'm just kidding baby I know you miss me" nick says and hug her Y/N sigh and hug him she hug him back
"Am I interrupt something Miss Y/L/N" tom says ans nick and Y/N broke their hug and look at him
Nick almost same height as tom.. tom look at nick with jealous in his eyes
"No you're not well I'm nick Y/N's boyfriend and you?" Nick ask
"I'm her professor and as I remember I ask you to meet after class" Tom says and look at Y/N
"Yea I.." Y/N cut by Nick "do you mind if she met you tomorrow I mean we met after months so we can spent time together" Nick says and wrap his hands on her waist pull her closer
"Of cours" Tom says and Nick and Y/N left

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