Chapter 16

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I open my eyes and first thing I saw is Y/N My Y/N sleeping next to me her head on my chest her arms wrap tightly around me like I was her taddy  I kiss her forehead nose cheek gods I missed her  she's everything to me she wake up and rub her she look at me with big smile on her face I smile at her and kiss her lips

"Morning love" I said and kiss her lips
"Good morning" Y/N said as we pulled away from kiss with smile
"What time is it?" My Y/N ask as she look around
"7 am college is at 9 so we have some time" I said with wink she chuckled I start kissing her neck and lay her on back I remove blanket from our body that separate us I slide my cock inside her wet pussy and start thrusting slowly she moan softly I start kissing her nipple and neck leaving Hickey Y/N push me on bed and sat on top of me with my back on headboard this position it g spot of her she threw her head back eyes rolls back her hands on my neck riding me with my hands on her waist and back roaming my hands on her perfect body her walls tight around my cock she was close I kissed her passionately she gasp as she cum my dick twitch I cum inside her filling her with my cum she open her beautiful eyes with smile I smiled

"I need shower" Y/N said
"I think we should safe water" I said teasingly
"Tom!!" She hit my arm

We shower together soon the shower turn into make out session I don't even remember what round it was but I love it being in his arms his inside me only he make me feel this way I can't even imagine my life without him I start getting ready I was brushing my hair when I remember Liam I don't notice when tom came and hug me from behind I threw my head back on his shoulder with my eyes closed I'm sure that Liam can't see us because my house is fully locked and windows locked curtains are closed

"What you thinking love" tom asked kissed my neck
"Tom we have to do something" he knows what I'm talking about
"Y/N just do what I says ok" tom said as he turn me to face him he cup my cheeks I nodded
"We just have to pretend we're apart He shouldn't know about us" I look at him and nodded "you just have to pretend that you're in love with him" "what??" "Y/N don't worry just do" "fine"

As I enter in college I met none other then the king of smirk Liam he pulls me in hug I hug him back with smile he pulled away
"Finally you accept me" Liam said and kiss my cheek I smile back and hug him
"What change your mind?"he asked
"Actually after my break I was broken but then I realise hr doesn't love me he was using me the one who truly loves me is you I'm sorry if I hurt you" I said with teary eyes "don't cry baby" Liam said and hug me I saw tom smiling at me I smile at him

After class
"Y/N you free tonight?" Liam asked
"Um yes i'm"
"Great I'm taking you out tonight so be ready at 8 pm ok"
"Great" I smile at him he smile back
"Let me take you home" I nodded

As Liam dropped me I unlocked the door and get in the house I changed into comfy when my phone ring

Tom ♡
You home?


Tom ♡
I'm here open the door

I run down and open the door and then I met tom in his hoodie gosh he look so hot in this I pull him inside and locked the door behind him I lean up and kissed him he pin me on the door we kissed passionately we both pulled away breathing heavily

"Liam taking me out today"
"Don't worry love I'll be there" he cup my cheek I know he will be there I'll be safe I lean up and kissed him he sat me on couch and start kissing me we both get interrupt by phone call I saw Liam..


"Hi baby what you doing" Liam asked I open my mouth to answer when tom start kissing my neck I bite my lip
"N-Norhing just watching movie" it's so difficult for me to answer Liam when tom start kissing my breast he get lower when he reach my waistband he remove it and start sucking me gosh he know what he's doing he watch me with mischievous smile on his face
"Y/N you ok are you with someone?" Fuck!!
"N-No I'm alone just it's horror movie is-is something important?"
"Oh baby I just wanna say be ready and wear something I like ok"
He cut call

"Tom!! We just get caught"
"So what I want him to know that you're mine only"
"I'm yours" I said as I lean up and kiss him he kissed me back

As Liam and me enter in the club Liam order a drink for me

"There you go baby" Liam said while handing me my drink
"Thank you"
"Well you look hot today"
"You look handsome to" I said with smile gosh where's tom!?? Me and Liam start dancing when he spun me he pull me closer where I saw tom in  all black gosh he look hot! For a second I forgot Liam was there all I know is tom staring at me with dark look in his eyes

"You ok" Liam ask me
"Yea I just need drinks I'll be back"
"Ok I'm with my friends" he left I turn to tom and walks towards him I stand next to him

"You look ravishing love" tom said with wink "where's he?
"His with friends" I said while taking sip from his drink "Well I don't think Liam would like it if you drank from my drink
"So what if I'm drinking my boyfriend's drink, not some stranger's."
"You have no idea how much I want you right now" he said in seductive voice I clench my legs together I saw Liam was drunk and busy with his friends I smirk and lean close to tom
"Well what you say about a quick session" he smirk and take me to club washroom as we enter he pin me on the wall and start kissing me hia hand gose behind me he locked the door he push my dress up his hand find my wet folds I moan when rub my clit gosh I can feel his hard dick I start unzipping his pants when he push my panties down he thrust inside my dripping pussy I was dripping for him he moans slowly and that sound makes me more wet I threw my head back when he pull out and take me to sink he get behind me I hold the sink both sides and look in the mirror where I met tom lust full eyes I smirk and he thrust again but harder and faster I threw my head back my back arch his hands find my clit and start rubbing it the washroom fill with the sound of our sex colliding our body slapping our moans

"Ahh Tom" I threw my head back my eyes roll back
"Fuck say my name love" he thrust more fast now I moan his name when he turn me to face him we get close to our climax we both moan as we both cum together his thrust become sloppy and slow we both share a lazy but passionate kiss
"I love you" I said
"I love you more Love" he said as he rest his forehead on mine we stay there when we hear a knock "hello is someone in there?' fuck Liam I looked at tom as we remember we get in mens room "hello? Fuck you're doing in there for 10 minutes dude get out"  fuck what if he saw us tom look at door I was scared..

Hii lovely buddies I hope you'll loved this chapter and i just wanna say please vote and comment what you likes in part and sorry for my grammar and.. tell me what you think gonna happen in next chapter?! Till that bye Xoxo ♡

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