Chapter 21

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{Y/N outfit}

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{Y/N outfit}

{Y/N outfit}

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"Hi" I said as I smile at Alex "Hi you look beautiful" he said "thank you. You look handsome to" I said as Alex smile and look away he rub his neck "ok let's go"he said and open car door for me I smile and sit he sat on driving seat and start driving "well you kn4 I except you say no to coffee" Alex said I frown at him "and why you think that?" I ask he chuckled "I just think that but I'm happy you said yes" he look at me with smile I smile and look out of Window as my mobile ring I saw.. Tom I take deep breath and turn off my mobile Alex notice it "you ok I know I don't have a right to ask but-" "it's nothing I'm fine" I give him smile as we both get inside the coffee shop we both talked

"Wait seriously" I laugh
"Yea yea I just met those girls in bar and the next thing I know I woke in hotel room with 2 girls fighting over me" he said and laugh "god" we both laugh "so you been in relationships" I said "eh yea they are not my type.. anyways what about you?" He ask I sigh "we broke up" I said "oh. But why if may I ask" alex said
"nothing first we have a age gap and he want to get married and have family but I don't want i-"
"You want to do something make your own name making your parents proud" alex said I was froze how he knows what I'm trying to say I sigh "yea so I broke up with me. Please don't think I dumped him-" "absolutely not you know there was one I get in relationship with that one girl u thought I truly loved but.. when she ask me to get start a family get marry I leave her because I don't want to marry not now so don't think you're the only one" Alex said I nod "ok now forgot about it come with me" alex stood up and offer me his hand I take it we both drive in new york street we talk eat laugh "hey here's your ice cream Miss" alex said I giggle and take it "Thank you" I smile

we both walk in garden "Alex" I call his name he turn to me "yea"
"Why you ask me for date I mean there's so many girls in office and infact they'll mad for you and they are beautiful then why me I mean all girls in office looking at me after you ask me. Like they gonna kill me or something" I ask as he stop and look in my eyes "because you're not them Y/N you're different from other girls and we both are same our thinking is same and you don't act like stupid girls who trying to get attention from boys that's the thing I like about you. You are real you are beautiful just you don't accept it and they give you those looks because they are jealous you don't know it but they jealous of you of your beauty your nature your smile you just something else I don't know how I tell you this because you don't accept it.. You're perfect Y/N" he cup my face "you're goodness Y/N My goodness" our face so close I can feel his breath on my lips we both lost in each other's eyes when alex mobile ring we came back to reality he pull his phone and pick up "hello.. ok.. he end up we both look away "we should go" I said "yea we should" we walk through car he open door for me as he drive back to my house "bye Alex" I said with smile to make sure alex I don't feel uncomfortable is this what he's thinking he look at me and smile "bye Beautiful" we both smile he drove off I smile

"It's been three years tom" Chris said
"I know there years she betrayal me" tom laugh sarcastically "tom you should move on now"
"I'm moved on Chris" I said with fake smile but Chris just look at him "well that's good. Oh tom are you coming with me?"
"Oh I'm going new york so I thought you should come I need company" chris said with smile I nod and smile

"Finally we are here" Chris said "uh yea we are here!"
"Tom show some excitement" he sigh "I'm showing I'm just tired" Chris look at him and roll eyes "shoot" Chris said "what everything ok" tom ask him "I forgot my wife calls me but I don't pick it she's gonna be angry" Chris said and message his wife "anywas let's go our car is here" tom said as they both sat in car "wait. Let's eat something I'm really hungry" Chris said as his driver stop car they both enter in coffee shop and took seat "it's beautiful" Chris said "yes it is" tom said and smile they both drink their coffee and eat something...

"Beautiful you need to relax come sit here" alex said "I know but-" "not but sit here" Y/N sit on couch alex give her water "Alex it's not time for rest mom dad is coming and here I'm my house is uh uh-" Y/N pause and trying to find words "mess" alex said "yea mess. My mom gonna kill me if she saw this" Y/N said as she clean her house "beautiful let me help" alex said and help her they both clean house together they both sat on couch after cleaning "we did it" Alex said and they both laugh "They gonna be home in fifteen minutes" Y/N said "let's grab something to eat" Alex said and hold Y/N hand...

"Chris you already eat two plates of pancakes" Tom said "so what im hungry brother" Chris said with his mouth full of pancakes tom laugh

"You stay here I get it" alex said to Y/N "ok" alex get out of car to coffee shop where Tom and Chris was "here's your bill sir" alex smile and look for his wallet shit where is it? "Sorry" alex said to girl she smile and nod "here take it" Y/N give his wallet tom head shoot up as he hear Y/N voice as he turn to see but his view is blocked as Alex is standing infront of Y/N "you're Savior beautiful" alex said "now let's go they gonna be home" Y/N giggle and they left tom don't saw her face because of alex

Y/N? No I don't she's Y/N I think I just tired and heard her voice huh forgot about her Tom she's nothing to you she left me.. But I'm sure that's her voice-

"Tom you ok?" Chris ask me
"Yes I'm" I said he nod
"Ok let's go" Chris said as we both payed bill and left coffee shop I look each side hoping it's Y/N I know it's her voice but I'm not sure

"I'm impressed sweetie the house is clean wow" mom said I smile I help mom in kitchen where Alex, My brother and Dad talking with each other alex is like family now we know each other for three years now..
"Sweetie what you think about alex?" Mom ask me "what you mean.. he's nice he's always there for me and of course my friend" I said mom just give sigh "you know you two don't look like friends I mean the way he cares about it you know it's been three years you two are together... As friends don't you think-" I cut mom "mom no it's nothing you and your thoughts" I said and left kitchen "gentlemans dinner is ready" I said to three boys we'll sat

"Tom you ok?" Chris ask him "yea-uh Chris I think I heard Y/N voice today in coffee shop"
"Tom I don't think so maybe it's just voice in your head" Chris said
"I don't know" Chris pat tom shoulder "ok let's sleep leta talk this tomorrow" Chris said tom just nod "I just wish I could see her I miss her" tom mumble and sleep

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