Chapter 19

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Y/N get back to her house as her parents come back and I miss her already I want her it's summer vacation and she's not here I sigh deeply as I pick my mobile from side table and saw Y/N message

Love ♡
Hii tom

Hello love I hope you having fun

Love ♡
I'm but I miss you :(

I chuckled I smile as I saw her message

I miss you to come back to me

Love ♡
:) I wish

When you going back

Love ♡
I don't know actually but I hope soon anywas i have to go bye love you X

Love you to darling ;)

I sigh I miss her

After 2 days
I'm laying in bed when I heard my door ring I sigh now who is it I walk through doors as I open I was surprised Y/N my Y/N

"Hi" she said softly with her beautiful smile
"Hi" I was still in shocked she said she's coming in a week i have smile on my face as she chuckled and kiss me I kiss her back I pull her closer as I kick the door lock and pin her on door we both pulled away breathing heavily
"I miss you" I said as I cup her cheeks
"I miss you to" she said as she wrap her hand around my neck "jump" I said to her as she did I grab her she wrap her legs around me I carry her in my bedroom as I lay her down and get on top of her
"I need you" she said I smile as I attack her neck with lots of kiss her hand tangled in my hair as I pull her dress down as her hands undoing my shirt I suck her neck she moan softly I pull her bra strap down as she arch her back I smirk at the power I have on her she get goosebumps "Tom" she moan as I pull down her bra and unclipped it and suck her nipple my hands go down she's wet "your wet darling" I said to her as I slip one finger in her tight pussy as I did I feel my cock twitch at the sight
"Only for you" she said as she moan
"Fuck yes love only for me" I kiss her as I feel her hands undoing my sweatpants as my hard cock get free I attach my mouth in her pussy "fuck tom" she arch back and threw her head back I fuck her with my tounge she tight her grip on bedsheet I massage her breasts as I fuck her with my mouth "ahh Tom I'm cuming" "cum for me baby show me how much you miss me" she arch her back as she cum I suck her off as she roll us and get top of me

As roll I get top of him as I lower and take him in my mouth I lick his pre cum and tease him as his  hand come in my hair and guide me I fuck him with my mouth as my one hand massage his balls and goes in my pussy as I finger my self I was dripping wet as I suck him I feel my pussy dripping I finger my self as he threw his head back at the sight and moan "yes good girl suck it" he said as he tight his grip on my hair I suck him faster as he cum and me to I get top of him and sidle his cock inside me we both moan as his cock get inside me I start riding him he moan as his hand roaming in my body "oh my god tom" I moan loudly "fuck Y/N you're fucking beautiful"
I gasp as he sat on bed I wrap my legs around him he start kissing my neck I bounce on him as he suck my neck "tom" I moan as he kiss me we both moan as we get closer to our orgasm we both cum as I lay on top of breathing heavily he just hold me tightly as I look up at him and kiss "I Love You" i said to him "I Love You To" we kiss


"Tom come on its gonna be fun" Y/N said "why baby let's just cuddle here" tom said "No get up tom please it's" Y/N give puppy eyes to him tom chuckled and get up as they both get ready and start car "now where to?" He ask her
"Um let's go for some long drive and eat something I'm hungry" Y/N said "Ok let's go"Tom said as he start driving
"I think it's gonna rain!" She said "Yes it is you like it" he ask "yup" Y/N nod excitedly Tom smile at her cuteness as rain starts "oh my god I love this" Y/n and tom stop our car and our car get cozy air-conditioning is on and it's raining night long drive with song playing thunderstorms wow "you like it" tom ask her "I love it" as we both lean and kiss

as we enjoy our peaceful night drive when we reach home we changed our clothes I wore tom t shirt and I have some my shorts here I come back from bathroom when I see tom in blanket he smile at me I get in blanket and cuddle "so" I ask as tom kiss my cheek "let's watch something I know you just start a new show" I smile and nod as tom start a show in his laptop with din light in room rain sound air-conditioning on blanket with me in his arms ah this is perfect I look up at him and kiss "I love you" "I love you to darling" we smile at each other me and tom both fall asleep watch show ah today is amazing day



I woke up and saw my Y/N cuddling me then I notice she's shivering I cover her with blanket and cuddle her when she moan in her sleep

"I'm here Darling" I kissed her head and cuddle her gods I never thought I would be this happy I smile as I sleep again with my love in my arms

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