Brozone in: road trip

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It was Biggie. And he was being chased by a bat-looking creature.

"Poppy, help! Poppy!" Biggie said.

Biggie ran all over the place with the bat following behind him. "Biggie?" Poppy asked.

"Help! I'm being harangued by a monster Someone stop it!" Biggie said.

Poppy use her hair to grab the bat and hold onto it.

"Gotcha!" She said. The bat started to squirm around in her hair, which started to freak you out. "Ah! It's in my hair! It's in my hair! Get it out, get it out, get it out!"

Then clay ran over and jumped over her, grabbing the bat in the process. Brozone helped held the bat down while calming it down, then Floyd holds the bat in his arms.

"Here, allow me guys, There you go. There you go. Calm down. Who's a good boy?" Floyd said to the bat as it calmed down.

"What is that thing?" Legsly asked.

"It's creepy." Cooper said.

"It's scary." Satin and Chenille said.

"And nasty." Guy Diamond said.

"Hold me daddy." Tiny Diamond said.

Brozone gathered around it, "huh? You know it's not really that bad" Clay says.

"Yeah it's kinda cute in a...freaky looking way" spruce tries to stroke its chin but it bite him.

"Ow, it bite me"

"What is it?" Branch asked.

"Don't know but it's actually harmless" Floyd says.

"Gnarly looking" John added.

Then brozone and Poppy look to the side to see a piece of paper that the bat was holding. Poppy walks over and picked it up.

"To Queen Poppy!'" Poppy read. Everyone started to get nervous. "Oh, don't worry, everyone. It looks like it's just an invitation." Poppy said.

Everyone sighed in relief. Poppy cleared her throat before reading the letter.

'Barb, the Queen of Rock, announces her One Nation Under Rock World Tour. Bring your string to the biggest party the world has ever seen.' Queen of Rock?" Poppy asked after she read the letter.

"Bring your string?" Clay asked as he takes the letter.

Peppy came over to Poppy then he took the letter. "It's nothing! It means nothing at all. It's just junk mail.
You don't need to worry about it. I mean, quit looking at it, everyone. Forget what you saw!" Peppy rips the letter to shreds. Brozone ran over and tackled Peppy.

"Calm down king peppy" Clay says.

"That's it calm down" John says.

Branch said as he calmed him down. "Okay, I'm calm. I'm calm." Peppy said as he got up.

"What's going on?" Poppy asked.

Then he felt Clay grabbing his shoulders, "king peppy, it's time"

"Well, I have long feared this day would come. I was hoping to protect you from this, Poppy." Peppy said.

"Protect me? I'm not a little kid anymore, Dad. I'm the queen now." Poppy pointed out.

"You're right. The truth is... we are not alone in this world. There are other kinds of Trolls." Peppy said.

"Wow. That's... Dad, that's great. The more Trolls, the merrier." Poppy said with excitement.

"No poppy you don't get it" Clay says.

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