Brozone: rescuing brozone

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Veneer holds brozone as velvet carries branch and Rhonda.

The trolls yell and kick and struggle to free themselves.

"You keep you hands off my baby brother" John swings his fist at them, threatening to kill then as much as the others were but Floyd.

"When I get my hands on you I'm gonna tear you to shreds" Clay spat.

"I'll teach you not to mess with our baby brother" Bruce says.

"Aw it's so cute when you guys pretend to threaten us" veneer says.

"You wanna see cute, I'll give you cute, come on I can take you down" John shouts at velvet.

She throws Rhonda in the closet and veneer puts John down on the dresser where velvet faces him.

"Hello" crimp waves to Rhonda.

"AH!" John ran at velvet but she presses her finger in his head and keeps him back he swings his fist in the air.

"Come on, I can take ya, come here do I can break ya"

But to yhr other trolls it was embarrassing then they get out in diamond pro don and put in the suits.

But since it was all five, velvet puts branch in the middle of her suit.

"Hey let us go" John shouts as he and the others try pounding on the diamond.

"What are you doing? Come on, man. You're better than this" branch says to veneer.

"Well, thank you"

"I really don't see why you're so upset. At least we're putting your talent to good use. I mean, you're welcome"

"What? You're sick plastic white noodle pansies bratty snobby rich talent stealing fraud DIVAS!" John insults them

"You mispronounced, "Thanks for not letting our talents go to waste anymore, Velvet and Veneer."

"When I get out of here I'm gonna kill you!" John threatens them.

"John it's ok" branch tries to calm down.

But his coughing made them realize he wasn't gonna make it.

"Branch, I really hit to know, what were you thinking? Why would you do this" John asked

Branch had a painful look, "they told me if I didn't give them my talent, they would takes yours, I couldn't live with myself if I ever let that happen"

Everyone was touched, branch sacrificed himself for them.

"You...were trying to protect us?" John asked.

"My whole life, you guys protected me, now it's my turn to protect you"

"Oh branch" John says.

"Looks like I'm not coming home again" Bruce says.

"I'm not gonna see my wife and kid again" John says as he pulls out a picture of delta and their daughter.

"I'm never gonna see barb again" Floyd holds a picture of barb and their egg.

"I'm not gonna see Laguna again" Clay pulls out a picture of him and Laguna.

Seeing his how brothers won't see any of their families or loved ones anymore, branch feel guilty.

"Guys, I'm sorry, this is all my fault I didn't wanted you guys to get involved"

"It's gonna be ok branch, this is my fault I should've been a better big brother" John says.

TROLLS: what if branch's brothers never leftWhere stories live. Discover now