New trolls on the block

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It was a sunny morning in lonesome flats, in Rhonda John Dory was having his morning coffee and he was reading the paper.

But soon he saw something that caught his eye, something that was gonna change everything in the history of boy bands.

He spit out his drink in gasped when he saw on the cover of the hottest boy band ever, a band named: Kismet.

"WHAT!" He was shocked when he sees that brozone has been replaced by a new upcoming generation popular band.

He sees five trolls posing in the newspaper: Ablaze a purple skin troll with glitter freckles, red hair, a lilac nose and purple eyes. and a barely visible stubble.

His outfit consists of a black silver studded leather vest, blue tie-dye shorts and diamond earrings.

Hype munsell blue skin, blue eyes, semi-light blue hair and a lime green nose. He is a Glitter Troll, so his skin and hair are covered in glitter.

His outfit consists of a blue denim vest and blue and white psychedelic print shorts

Trickee orange skin, a pink nose, orange eyes and purple hair with light white streaks, Trickee wears his hair in a ponytail. His hair seems to be shorter than his bandmates'.

His outfit consists of a pair of black goggles with orange lenses, square silver earrings, a black silver studded leather vest and blue and white print shorts.

And Boom has yellow sparkly skin, green eyes, a lime green nose and rainbow colored hair. He is a Glitter Troll, so his skin and hair are covered in glitter.

His outfit consists of a denim vest and blue jeans.

And finally the leader of the band, the mysterious troll in the middle wearing a leather suit and a helmet concealing his identity but had frosted tips.

Outraged, John Dory slams the four open only in his horror to find everyone in lonesome flats franchise by the new trolls: Kismet.

He was betrayed when he saw delta his own girlfriend wearing a Kismet t-shirt.

"Oh heck no" so he gets inside Rhonda and takes off to gather the others.

Meanwhile with the techno trolls, Clay heard about the new trolls on the block, he was furious about them too.

"What? Oh no no no no, no way" Clay was in his troll pod when down in the sea he heard the trolls chanting Kismet, "no no, no way these guys flex the drip"

Word about the new hot boy band spread around and to the others.

With the funk trolls, copper and prince p were flaunting over Kismet, had on fan t-shirts that is when spruce passed by.

"Hey guys, what's up?" But the moment spruce walks up, he sees the two princes with nervous smiles.

"What?" It had spruce concerned.

"Hey man" prince p says.

"What's the big deal today, everyone seems excited about something" spruce asked.

"Oh everyone is just talking about this popular boy band" copper says.

"Ah brozone, I know everyone is this tire up about us breaking up but what can we say we had to move on"
But little did spruce know.

Both princes had worried looks, "actually spruce there is this new band called: Kismet" copper says.

"What?" Spruce was horrified, he looks around to see Kismet franchised everywhere, he grunts and clutches his fist which frightened everyone then he storms out to leave.

The band got together to deal with this new upcoming band: Kismet.

Floyd was waiting by the hideout, he got a letter from John Dory stating an emergency.

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