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===> Be the demon Jade
"They finally got Jake and Jane?" Jade asked Karkat, her boyfriend.
Karkat was the one that turned Jade into a demon. She was mad at first, but soon she was glad that he did what he did.
"YEAH. THEY'RE GOING AFTER JOHN NEXT" The troll said loudly. Karkat had some volume control issues that need to be fixed.
Jade smiled. She would get to be with her family again! Oh man she couldn't wait to see them. She hoped they weren't gonna be mad at her.
"Can I see them anytime soon?" Jade's dog ears twitched a bit.
"I just thought you might've been told if I could see them or not mr. grumpy pants" Jade giggled a bit at Karkats nickname. She hoped she would see her family soon. She really missed them! Jade planed on visiting them before, but she probably would be shot on site since, you know, her family are demon hunters.
(I'm sorry that this chapter kinda sucks. Sorry for the wait!)

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