Chapter Five

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"Remind me again why I agreed to this?" I asked as Jess and I finished getting ready in front of the mirror in the bathroom.

"Because you're my best friend and Jared is hot. Oh and whether you admit it or not you want Levi."

"Don't push your luck."

"It's going to be fun. We've been here two weeks and still haven't left the Quarter," Jess pouted.

"True. It'll be nice to see more of the city, but does it really have to be with them?"

"I don't know why you care. If you aren't into Levi then what are you afraid is going to happen?"

"Nothing," I said quickly. "Are you ready?"

"Definitely. You look awesome."

"Thanks." It didn't take long to discover that lightweight sundresses were the best wardrobe choice for the climate. Wearing a pink halter dress, I slipped into a pair of black flip-flops as we headed out the door.

Levi, Jared, and Owen were waiting for us when we got off the elevator.

"Hey there Allison." Levi blatantly checked me out. He didn't look too bad himself, dressed once again in a fitted Lacoste shirt and dark jeans.

"It's Allie."

"Oh yeah, I forgot."

"I'm sure."

"Are you girls ready to see uptown?" Owen asked.

"Sure, should we follow you, or get an address for my GPS?"

"Neither." Levi ushered us towards the door. "We're taking the streetcar. That way you don't have to worry about a designated driver."

"Will it still be running when we need to get home?" I asked.

"This is New Orleans, it runs all night," Jared said. I could practically hear him rolling his eyes.

We walked two blocks to the corner of Canal and St. Charles and hopped on the streetcar just as it got ready to pull away. Levi pushed my money aside as I tried to figure out how to insert it into the machine. "I've got this."

As I prepared to argue, the car jerked forward, propelling me backwards into Levi's arms. "Easy does it, darling."

Carefully walking down the aisle, I slid into an empty seat and of course, Levi slipped in next to me.

"So where are we going exactly?" I asked after glancing across the aisle to see Jess unabashedly flirting with Jared.

"The Maple Leaf. It's a bar that always has great live music. You're going to like it."

"Glad to know you are now an expert on what I like."

"I'm an expert on a lot of things."

Levi's thigh brushed against mine as he stretched out his legs, and I couldn't ignore the way it affected me. Leaning against the side of the car, I moved as far away from him as possible. With the windows open, the breeze cooled me off as we continued uptown. I watched the city go by, all too aware of Levi's proximity. As hard as I tried to fight it, there was no denying my attraction to him, and I had a feeling he knew it.

"Beautiful, aren't they?"

I felt goosebumps from where Levi's breath tickled my skin. His closeness was killing me. "The homes? Yeah, they're gorgeous. Is this the Garden district?"

"Yes. Home sweet home."

"Have you always lived here?" I asked.

"Born and raised, and I never want to move anywhere else."

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