Chapter Eighteen

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Looking out the small window of the bathroom into the darkness, I noticed a bird fly past. I couldn't be sure, but it was the right size for a crow. I hoped like I never had before that I was right. As angry as I was with Levi, I'd rather take my chances with his family and friends than these Blackwells, whoever they were. Quietly I pushed against the glass but it wouldn't give. It didn't matter anyway, since it was far too small for me to fit through.

I looked at the dirty toilet, debating how badly I needed to go. I decided it was okay because I wouldn't actually have to touch it. I washed my hands, leaving them wet, unwilling to touch the towel.

"You about done in there?" Riley said as he ripped open the door.

"I guess I am now."

"Took you long enough," Riley snapped at me, and I wondered where the sudden hostility came from.

"If you say so."

"Hold out your hands," he ordered.

"Come on, seriously?" For a second I contemplated escape but knowing there were at least ten large men downstairs it didn't seem realistic. It wasn't time yet; I needed to wait 'til the right moment.

Riley didn't wait for an answer; he pulled my arms and began to tie them.

"Hey!" I yelped as he tied the rope so tightly it bit into my wrists.

"I'm not taking any chances. I already put myself on the line several times for you tonight."

"I know, and I appreciate it."

"How much do you appreciate it?" he said with a smarmy grin. "You still owe me a favor you know."

I searched his face, hoping his words were meant as a joke but I found no hint of humor.

"Let's go in here." With a hand on my shoulder, Riley led me into a small bedroom at the back of the cabin, closing the door behind him before pushing me down on the bed. I looked out a dirty window and saw nothing but woods.

"We have some time; I figured there was no reason to bring you back downstairs when we can get to know each other better up here."

"Umm, does that thing work?" I nodded toward the ancient looking TV on a rickety stand in the corner of the room.

"Yeah, why, you want to watch TV?"

"It's something." Riley seemed like a half-decent, albeit creepy guy, but I didn't know how long I could trust him in a room alone with me. I needed to get his eyes off me so I could figure out a way to escape.

"Can't we do something more fun?" His eyes devoured me, and I was completely aware of how little I was wearing.

"How can we do anything if you don't untie my hands?" I pointed out, grasping at straws.

He smirked. "There's lots you can do without your hands."

He came to sit down next to me on the bed, and I cringed as he ran a finger over my lips and I realized exactly what he was implying.

"I've been awfully nice to you, haven't I? If it weren't for me, who knows what would be happening to you right now. I want you so bad, baby."

I tried to hold it together. "If you want me so bad, why are you going to let Trevor give me to the Blackwells?"

He frowned. "It's a lot of money."

"How much of the money will you get?"

"I know what you're trying to do, and it's not going to work."

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