Chapter Seven

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The elevator doors opened on the top floor, dumping us out right at the club. As we pushed through the crowd, I felt distinctly underdressed. Things were usually very casual in New Orleans, but up there people were more dressed up.

Levi seemed to notice my discomfort. "Don't worry, we won't be here long."

"Why are we here at all then?"

"Do you ever stop asking questions?"

"I only ask this many questions when I fear for my wellbeing."

"I assure you that you are in good hands." As if to make the meaning of his words literal, Levi put his arm around my waist, pulling me tight against his side. "I see them."

We walked up to a small table in the corner overlooking the city.

"Allie! I'm so glad you came!" Hailey jumped out of her seat and hugged me.

I was thrilled to see that Hailey was also dressed casually in jeans. She wore a cropped cardigan sweater in a shade of blue that matched her eyes exactly.

"Yeah, I needed a night out."

"Where's your friend?" Jared asked casually.

"My friend? You mean Jess? She's back in New York, no thanks to you." Damn. I regretted the words as soon as they left my mouth.

"She left? What does that have to do with me?"

"Nothing. Forget I said anything." I took a seat next to Hailey.

"Okay..." Jared said giving me a look like he thought I was crazy. I doubted that Jared and I would ever get along.

I looked out the window. The skyline was lit by colorful lights that contrasted with the shadowing darkness. I could have stared at it for hours.

"All right, are you guys ready to go?" Hailey asked.

"What, already? I haven't even had a chance to enjoy the view."

"You think this is a good view? Oh, just you wait," Levi said, making everyone laugh.

"What are you talking about?"

"You sure about this, Levi? You know there is no turning back, right?" Owen asked Levi, purposely avoiding my eyes.

"Absolutely." Levi smiled making me feel even more uneasy.

Jared pushed out his chair. "Well, then let's get going, it's supposed to rain later tonight."

"Why does the rain matter?" Although the lack of information frustrated me, I couldn't deny some excitement. I loved a good surprise.

"Are you ready to find out just how far the rabbit hole goes, sweetheart?" Levi reached out his hand waiting for a response.

"Rabbit hole?" I searched for a hidden meaning in the words beyond the Alice in Wonderland reference, but I couldn't find one. Ignoring my unease, I went with my gut instinct. "Umm, sure?"

I accepted his hand and he led me through the crowd once more. My chest tightened with anticipation. I didn't know what Levi and his friends had in store, but I hoped it was enough to take my mind off Jess.

We walked out past the elevators and into a stairwell.

As Levi ushered me up the stairs, I realized where we were headed.

"Okay, why are we going to the roof?"

"No more questions," Levi insisted.


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