Chapter Thirteen

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Despite the fact that I was dating a guy with wings and superhuman powers, things eventually settled down into a routine. Between work all day and spending my nights with Levi and Hailey, the time went by far too quickly. The one thing we never talked about was the Were party. Everyone else acted like it never happened. Hailey seemed to be getting along with the guys again, and I was afraid to ruin things by bringing it up.

I talked to Jess a few times, but not nearly as much as we usually would. It's not that it was that awkward, but it felt like we were in different worlds for the first time ever. I hoped she didn't secretly blame me for what happened with Jared. We had one ridiculous game of phone tag that lasted two weeks. I was relieved when we finally broke it.

She must have been holding her phone because she picked up on the first ring. "Hey, we finally made contact."

"Does that win for longest game of phone tag ever?" I laughed.

"Maybe. But how are you? Are things going well with Levi?"

"Yeah, they really are. I've discovered there's a lot more to him than I thought." I smiled to myself realizing just how true that statement was.

"I told you so."

"Yeah, well, I have no idea where it's going to go, but it's fun."

"Sure. You can't have changed that much, Allie, but I don't have time to argue, I actually have to run." I could tell she had put me on speakerphone and was moving around her room.

"Any place interesting?"

"Emmett's coming over. We're giving it another try." I could almost hear her smiling through the phone.

"That's awesome, good for you. I always thought you guys were great together."

She laughed. "I know, you had a harder time with us breaking up than I did."

"I'm really happy for you, Jess."

"Thanks! And he's going to Fordham so we'll be able to see each other all the time even when school starts. He says we'll have to make next year a re-do of the senior year we never had together."

"Ha ha, good plan."

"All right, so I'm glad we talked, call me when you get back in town." She rushed to end the call.

"Definitely. Tell Emmett I said hi."

"Same to Levi."

"Okay, bye."

I sighed with relief as soon as I hung up. It sounded like Jess was doing okay. Something still felt weird with us, but I hoped when I saw her again things would get back to normal.


One of the perks of staying at the hotel was that we got to use the pool. I learned pretty early on that a pool was a hot commodity with such intense heat in New Orleans. Hailey and I spent a lot of time laying out on my days off.

"Can you believe it's August?" Hailey asked as we lounged by the pool.

"Not at all. This summer has flown by."

"Are you ready?" She didn't say what for, but I knew she meant college.

"I guess so, but I'm nervous too. I just want it to be great. You know? Your freshman year of college is supposed to be incredible and I'm scared it's just going to be some major letdown. What if I mess up my classes, or Toby doesn't leave me alone, or I have horrible girls on my floor?" Once I started, the worries just spilled out.

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