Chapter Seventeen

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"You didn't find a tracker on her?" Trevor asked while I still processed his comment about my worth.

"No. But we never thought to check her," Riley admitted.

"Are you idiots? You think he didn't leave something on her?" A small smile spread on his lips. "I guess I'll have to do it myself."

"Hell no. Whatever you are thinking, keep your hands to yourself. Besides, he didn't put a tracker on me. He only gave me the ring last night."

"Wow, and you ran out on him that quickly? Oh wait, you did it when you found out the truth, huh?"

"I don't want to talk about it." I was hanging on by a thread; discussing Levi anymore threatened to push me over the edge.

"We can do this the easy way or the hard way," he sneered.

"Do what?"

"Take off your dress," he ordered.

"Excuse me? Do you really think I'm that stupid? No way!"

"Like I said, we can do this the easy way or hard way. Either you take it off or I do, and I really don't mind."

There were at least ten men in the room by this point. "You honestly expect me to take off my clothes in a room full of men?" I wondered where all these guys were coming from.

"Yes, of course, I do," he said without hesitation.

"First, tell me, who are you?" I needed to stall him.

"I'm Trevor, I thought that was clear."

"Not your name. Okay, I guess I mean what are you?" They knew about Levi so I assumed they were more than they seemed.

Trevor smiled. "Don't you know?"

"If I knew why would I be asking?"

"Didn't you notice anything outside?"

"No way... Are you guys tigers or something?"

"Did you see stripes? No, we're not tigers, we're cougars, or mountain lions, or panthers, or pumas. Whatever colloquial term you like."


"'Oh' is right."

"So you really can change into a cougar?"

Trevor smiled. "If I didn't know you were sleeping with a Pteron, I'd think you had never seen a shifter before."

"I'm still new to all of this, and besides Pterons don't actually shift into birds." I decided not to mention that I'd seen wolves shift.

"No more stalling."


Trevor smiled again. "Yes. You think I don't know what you're doing?"

Damn. "Listen, I don't have a tracking device on me. I've already been tricked and kidnapped enough for one day. Can't you let me keep my dignity?" Real and intense fear engulfed me.

"Either take off your dress or I'll do it for you."

"No." There was no way I was taking off my clothes.

"Don't say I didn't warn you." He reached for my dress, ripping the fabric easily. With one more swift motion, I was left standing in only a bra and panties. All eyes were on me and I wanted to sink into the floor. I shuddered, noticing the hungry looks of the men surrounding me as I attempted to cover myself with my hands.

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