Part 59

247 7 35

Third Person POV

As the winter turned into spring the Quadri quidditch tournament was coming to an end. There was only 1 match left and that was between Slytherin and Ilvermony to decide who came first and second.

The scores revealed that in 7th place is Hufflepuff, 6th place is Beauxbatons, 5th place is Ravenclaw, 4th place is Gryffindor, 3rd place  is Durmstrang. Leaving both Slytherin and Ilvermony fighting for first.

The match was to start at 12 and seeing how both teams have played, the match should last for roughly 3 hours. All schools were in the stands, all supporting either team. Most of Hogwarts was supporting Slytherin for a change, with all of the durmstrang supporting them aswell.

The only people supporting Ilvermony was a couple of Hogwarts students, and beauxbatons but not all of beauxbatons were supporting them as a few of the girls were supporting Allison, not the boys, Allison. As she was an inspiration to them, the only girl on a team full of boys, when in the society they live in men are still deemed as superior to women, Allison was known as a inspiration to them girls.

All the players were waiting for their queue to be called out by none other then Zachary, who still compliments Allison whenever he could. Allison laughed at the compliments and thought they were nice and cute while Mattheo thought differently, very different.

The team of Ilvermony was announced, leaving Slytherin to be called. Everyone got into their places, well mounted their brooms, waiting to be called out.

"Now moving onto the next team, Slytherin. I may be biased but I do have my favourite team and it's gotta be Slytherin and only because of Allison, I mean have you guys seen her. She goes running every day at 6am around the quidditch pitch so if you guys want her schedule just ask me. But don't ask how I know, that's for me to know and you to find ou-" Zachary gets cut off by Mcgonagall.

"Zachery, do not finish that we will be discussing punishment for stalking another student. Anyway Students do not go to Zachery for Miss Evergreens schedule ad you will be facing a consequence. Now Zachery talk about the game" she says reprimanding him, the crowd starts to laugh including Allison while the rest of the Slytherin team don't find it as funny and look at her.

"What, you have to give him credit for watching me days on end to find out everything I do" she says simply to the team, her brother shakes his head "Allison he is littraly stalking you, that is illegal"

Allison into shrugs at this "I'm just saying Zachery deserves some credit, now let's beat Ilvermony" she says simply changing the topic. Everyone just chooses to ignore the first part that she says and focuses on beating Ilvermony.

"So now that I have detention with Mcgonagall for the next 2 weeks let's get back to introducing the team, now as chasers we have Jake evergreen, Draco Malfoy and Jace Novak as Markus Flint is still in a coma from the bludger from his last game. Now moving onto beaters we have Mattheo Riddle who is one hunk of a man, if I was a girl I would take a piece of him... ok Mcgonagall but I'm speaking the truth, it keeps the game more realistic, plus he is hot. Ok so my 2 week's detention has gone up to 3 weeks for my "inappropriate comments" but anyway we also have Theodore Nott who is currently looking for a girlfriend so hit him up if your looking for a boyfriend." Zacherys microphone gets turned off for a couple minutes before being turned back on.

"Heh so my detention has gone up to a month but I was paid by Theodore to say that so yeah, anyway now we have the Keeper, Blaise Zabini who is one fit lad, so PANSY START DATING HIM WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING. And to finish we have Allison Evergreen who is the Seeker and is also a keeper, if you get what I mean. Anyway moving in before I get more detentions, madam hooch is walking into the pitch and describing how she wants a clean game, the usual stuff she always says. Honestly I think it's the only thing she knows how to... yeah I'm not finishing that as Mcgonagall is giving me daggers right now. Enjoy the game" Zachery says before turning off the microphone.

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