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i'll be, edwin mccain

"your hair is so soft," summer says as she braids my hair.

"you're kidding. i basically have straw for hair i straighten it so much," i reply, touching my roots.

"stop touching, you'll make it greasy!" summer scolds me as marissa laughs in the background.

"you're lucky i trust you," i roll my eyes.

"okay, so, after we finish hair, we have a half an hour to do makeup before we have to leave," marissa says, glancing at the clock.

summer finishes my hairdo, stepping back to allow me to admire her work.

"it looks amazing! thank you for doing this for me," i smile.

"that's what friends are for." summer grabs her makeup case, "makeup time!"

"what color lips do you want, lucy?" marissa asks, looking at me.

"uhhh... can i have pink?"

marissa grabs a tube of pink lip gloss, along with mascara and blush from the drawer.

"don't make me look bad, coop," i laugh.

"please, when has she left the house looking anything other than smokin'?" summer asks.

"i won't argue with that," marissa replies, smiling, before applying mascara to my bottom lash.

"i wonder if rue will be there... she's always been one for attention," i mutter.

"who cares if she is? you're ten times hotter than her. and no one likes an attention whore anyways. i mean, come on. moving to florida because your twelve year old bestie called you out on your bs? who does that?" summer says with slight disgust.

"apparently her."

"why don't we stop talking about her and focus on how much fun we're gonna have," marissa suggests.

"summer, you need to tell us everything about this billy guy," i look at the brunette.

"well, he's the lead singer of low shoulder with some other girl named after a flower or something. i think it's rose. and they make awful music and he's SO boring. but hey! at least i get to look good on his arm."

"so, i'm assuming he isn't your prince charming?" the blonde asks.

"definitely not. looks like you're the only one with a knight and a prince," summer replies, looking at her. when she says this, i can't help but cringe slightly at the reminder that friends is all i'll ever be with seth cohen.

"you okay?"

"y-yeah.. i just got eyeliner in my eye."


all of the girls line up single-file, waiting for our names to be called. i thank god that it isn't alphabetical order, because no way am i going first.

the orchestra begins to play as the first girl begins walking out, meeting her escort at the end of the red staircase. as everyone in the line begins to move up, i begin to be able to see the crowd. there are so many more people here than i thought there would be. my family and i never really participated in things like this before, despite the fact that it's pretty much all that goes on in newport.

ITS NICE TO HAVE A FRIEND; seth cohenWhere stories live. Discover now