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today was a fairytale, taylor swift

marissa listens as i rehash the details of what went on between me and rue, trying my hardest not to get too emotional. sometimes i feel like i'm being too dramatic over the entire situation and i don't want marissa to think that i'm self-centered.

"it's okay, lucy. just try to ignore her. you're better off without her anyway." i wipe a tear, attempting a smile.

"thank you for listening," i reply. i hug her again and look up to see seth standing in front of me.

"lucy, i saw you crying. are you okay?" he asks.

"yeah, i'm fine. don't worry." i think for a moment. he didn't bother to ask why i was crying. i guess it doesn't really matter, though. "where's the food?"

seth looks over his shoulder before replying, "at a table with ryan and summer." marissa glances at me at the mention of ryan's name.

i swallow, "oh. okay. let's go, i guess." the three of us walk toward the table.

"hey guys," marissa says to ryan and summer as we sit down. ryan waves as seth sits himself right next to summer.

"hi, summer. y'know i was thinking an-" summer just stares blankly at him, making some sort of dismissive gesture.

i look around awkwardly, eating my fried oreos in silence, before marissa grabs my hand.

"why don't we all go do something? how do you guys feel about the blue roller coaster?" she suggests.

"we just ate," ryan interjects.

"if you're scared, that's fine," marissa replies, laughing. the five of us all get up and get in line for the ride.

"okay so it's a two-seater, so everyone get in pairs." i watch as marissa stands with summer, leaving me to choose between ryan and seth. the latter of the two isn't even paying attention to what is going on. instead, he's just staring longingly at summer. i go and stand next to ryan.

"wanna ride with me?" i ask, mentally crossing my fingers.

"um... sure," he hesitates. the two of us sit on the ride behind summer and marissa, leaving seth to sit behind us. i feel bad that he's sitting alone, but not even a bear attack could have broken him out of that trance that the sight of summer roberts put him in.

the cart makes its way up the first hill and i can hear marissa and summer laughing. i look over at ryan and notice that he looks very uncomfortable.

"you okay?" i ask him. he just shakes his head slightly and looks down. "don't look down! that's your problem! and look! we're already on our way down!" i laugh as the cart dips down. the coaster completes it track and we come to a stop.

"that was so fun! what's next?" summer asks as the five of us step out of our seats.

marissa looks around quickly before replying, "how about the music express? and if we ride that, no one will have to sit alone."

"yeah, sorry, seth," i say, feeling guilty for choosing ryan over him. but honestly, i know that if seth had to choose between sitting with summer or sitting with me, he wouldn't be choosing the latter. "i'm down for the music express." we all walk towards the ride and get in line.

ITS NICE TO HAVE A FRIEND; seth cohenWhere stories live. Discover now