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still into you, paramore

i walk through the doors of the cohen household and i am instantly hit with major deja vu. it's been months since i was here, but it still feels like home somehow. i always loved it here and sandy and kirsten cohen used to be like my second parents. after what i did to seth, which he kind of deserved, i wouldn't be surprised if they hate me though.

"lucy adams! it's been so long! how are you?" sandy cohen pulls me into a hug and i'm immediately comforted by his scent. he has always been like a father to me.

"hey, mr cohen. i'm good. how have you guys been?" i reply happily. i remember even when i was younger, i could always rely on seth's parents to cheer me up, no matter the circumstances.

"kirsten! come out here and say hi to lucy!" sandy calls down the hallway.

kirsten appears in the doorway of the kitchen with a big smile on her face.

"lucy, honey, it feels like forever since i've seen you!" she hugs me, which surprises me because kirsten cohen was never a hugger. "where's seth?" she asks.

"i think he said something about going to the poolhouse to get something."

"have you met ryan yet?" kirsten looks at me. seth hadn't mentioned anything about this new person. or maybe they got a dog over the summer. i hope it's a golden retriever.

"who are you?" a blonde boy who looks to be my age asks, leaning against the doorframe.

wow. definitely not a golden retriever.

"i'm lucy. lucy adams," i hold out a hand awkwardly.

"so you're the one seth hasn't shut up about all summer... i'm ryan," he says with a small smirk. seth talks about me? that's the most insane thing that i've ever heard. everyone knows the only two topics of conversation that exist to him are himself and summer roberts.

"he mostly complains about how you've been ignoring him, but i guess that's no longer the case," ryan adds. trust me, i wish i was able to still ignore him, i want to reply.

i look around awkwardly, a part of me praying that seth will enter the room. not that i particularly want to see him. truthfully, i'm not sure if being alone with him in his room will be any better than standing here in his kitchen with his family.

"so, lucy, what brings you here?" sandy asks.

"i was paired up with seth for a biology project," i reply. almost as if he was summoned by me saying his name, seth called my name and told me to come to his room.

"you better go, or he won't stop bugging you," ryan says with a slight laugh. "i'll see you around, lucy." i find my face growing hot when he says my name. i mean, he's no seth, but ryan is very attractive. and he doesn't seem like the type to ignore my existence for someone else.

i walk up to seth's room and knock on the door.

"come in!" seth calls. i slowly open his bedroom door and stand awkwardly. "captain oats! there's someone here to see you!" seth says to his toy horse and i can't help but giggle.

"so listen, cohen, i understand that his might be... awkward... for us. so-"

"why would it be awkward?" he genuinely asks. sometimes i forget how utterly blind he is.

ITS NICE TO HAVE A FRIEND; seth cohenWhere stories live. Discover now