Cologne -S.G

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Sam and Colby had been in the conjuring house to flim a video while Sam was gone I was house sitting.

Usually when Sam and Colby are Gone I invite Colbys Girlfriend Camila since they don't live together. She's really nice and she helps me clean and keep me busy.

But today Camila was busy with her other friends and I totally understand.

I was home alone and I missed Sam a lot I haven't seen him in about 4 days he hasn't even texted me a good morning or goodnight but I trust him and Im pretty sure he's busy.

I was sleepy since I was up editing one of my vlogs from a week ago and I decided to take a nap but its always hard to fall asleep without Sam so I grabbed one of his hoodie and put it on it instantly smelt like Sam which made me happy knowing I missed him.

Once I got in bed I got under the covers and the second my head hit the pillow I fell asleep.

Sam's POV

"Colby how long until we get there" me and Colby were on our way home from the conjuring house I didn't tell my girlfriend when we were getting home to surprise her.

"I don't know in like 5 minutes"
Ugh I can't way any longer to see her beautiful face and her pink raspberry colored lips.

Once Colby pulled into the driveway I ran inside leaving my luggages in the car. I ran upstairs knowing she's probably in my room and when I walked in there she was sleeping peacefully.

I didn't even know someone could look so good sleeping.I wanted to see her so I tapped her arm until she woke up.

Then I saw her beautiful emerald eyes. "Sam? Is that you?" She looked at me with her eyes half Opened.

I didn't even say anything I just gave her a big hug and a kiss as she sat on my lap

"I missed you so much baby" she said with a sleepy voice. "Me too baby, me too"

Then Colby walked in with my suitcase and gave me a sorry for interrupting type of stare I just nodded my head as he walked out.

YAYAYAYAYAYAYAY omg this chapter took foreverrrrr I didn't even know what to type so my bad if it's terrible

Also please leave requestsssss💝

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