ACT I. Mannish Boy

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The streets of New Orleans felt like something out of a dream. Music and the aroma of home cooked meals filled the air, street lights and neon signs lit up the night and people, tourists or natives, overcrowded the sidewalks and nearly spilled into the streets. The Hunter embraced it all as he drove by. He reminisced every moment from his childhood as he glanced at the stores, the talented street performers, the many trees he climbed with school friends, the blocks he explored alone as a teenager, and the alley where he received his first kiss. Odd or not, Adonis Cole could not help but feel something build up in his chest- something he could not put into words. He simply smiled and drove on. Upon seeing the French Quarter, joy made itself known from the ear to ear grin of his. The music, the dancing, all of it was at its peak here where he grew up. Absolutely nothing changed. Everything he loved as a kid still stood strong as if he never left. From the voodoo shop to the corner store, all he had come to know was around. He could not help but appreciate that.He then glanced at the bag next to him. Inside was just a few tools from his recent hunt. About sixteen hours earlier, Adonis introduced a shapeshifting murderer to a silver machete, along with a few creatures amidst the long ride. He would go about cleaning them properly later. The Hunter frowned at the sight. Bringing an arsenal to the French Quarter was the last thing he wished. It felt wrong to do so.

A while later he was back on a familiar block. He breathed in the clean cut grass and the soul food(a lost art! -D). The Hunter turned his music down as he approached a red brick house. It belonged to him yet he never lived in it. Still, he had history there. A pleasant memory from his past.Adonis found a parking spot and left Luv, his Hellcat, waiting for him. As he approached the house, a maelstrom of youth and high pitched screaming passed him by. The children rushed down the sidewalk and disappeared around the corner. He chuckled and moved on to the front door. He gave the door a light knock and waited. Scrambling was heard inside followed by a long pause and the twisting of a nob. Adonis watched as the door opened but nobody was there, seemingly. He looked down and spotted an old friend. "Donny!!!" the dwarf shouted, leaping up and wrapping her arms around the hunter. The Hunter returned the love,"Maya." The dwarf let go and landed on both feet. She wore nothing out of the ordinary, simply leggings and a shirt about two sizes too big. She had fiery red hair, green eyes and a cheeky grin from ear to ear. She was a Lutine specifically(Males are known as Lutin! -D), a trickster dwarf with French origin. Only in New Orleans did her kind reside, according to Folklore. "Come in, come in! Wait til Albert sees you." Maya took his hand and dragged him along. The two found their way to the parlor, where Albert had been watching television. "Up you hop, Al! Look who's here," Maya said. Albert turned and widened his eyes upon spotting Adonis. He leapt out of his seat and ran to Adonis before entombing him in a hug as well. Albert was a human, unlike Maya, but he knew of her connection to the Supernatural and loved her anyhow. He was a dear friend to the Hunter as well. "Welcome home, Donny!!" he shouted.
"Ribs...!" he squeaked. The two separated and shared a laugh.

Just minutes later, they all took a seat in the parlor and passed a bottle along. "So, what are you doing in town?" asked Maya.
"Got some business with family," Adonis took a sip of the brew. "A family friend called, said my old man wasn't looking too good."
"Why not head there first? I mean, we're happy you came but family must come first, Donny." Albert chipped in. The Hunter thought on that, "There's been false alarms before. It wasn't true then, It probably ain't now either."
"Well.. I hate to play footsies with the Devil here but he *is* your old man. And he's only getting older.. You should see him." Maya encouraged. Typical Maya. She was compassionate, perhaps too compassionate even. Despite being a Trickster, she spoke the truth then. If Adonis truly disregarded his father's request, he would not have been in New Orleans. "I will. But first.." he scooped up the bottle, "..We drink."

Dusk soon turned to night and the three were catching up on their years apart. Adonis told them stories of his hunts, those he met and in return, they shared stories one would usually find at a family/friend gathering. All in all, the night went smoothly. Dinner made its way in and the three ate well. More stories were exchanged. Within the next hour, the three were sitting back in their seats, buzzed and well. "We got room for you, Adonis. Wouldn't visit my Pops while under the influence." chuckled Albert.
"You just might... Be right." the Hunter raised an empty glass and frowned. He got up and helped Albert to his feet. He helped Maya and the three made their way upstairs. Once the two were in their room, Adonis wasted no time crashing in the guest room's bed. Unlike the many hotels he stayed in over the years, the bed was clean and unbelievably comfortable. A toss, a turn, and he fell unconscious easily.

Adonis remembers her face but not her name. He recognizes the joy in her voice and the feeling of warmth in his heart as his eyes lock with hers. He can remember her touch and a scent he could not name. The setting around them was just as puzzling to the Hunter . Knick knacks on the wall faded in and out of view as the sunlight from the window touched them both. The woman's tan skin gave her some sort of glow as if he were in bed with an angel. She spoke to him yet it was inaudible. Still, he smiled and held her close as though he'd lose her should he let go. He could not even hear himself but he knew each word was endearing, loving. He noted her jet black hair, her emerald green eyes and pale white smile as she spoke to him.

Then came the kiss.

Adonis could feel his heart trying to leap out of his chest as he and the woman locked lips. He wished he knew her name and why he loved her so much. Yet in that moment, he questioned nothing, worried for nothing. When she pulled away from him, he spoke once more and she laughed. "I love you, Adonis." she kissed him again, just as the entire setting was swept up by a blinding light.
The Hunter awoke back in the guest room. There was no one laying next to him. He slipped from under the blankets and pinched the bridge of his nose. Tan skin, green eyes. He recognized that beautiful face but there was no name he could put to it. He knew his feelings and did not doubt that they were not real. But for whatever reason, he just could not remember anything beyond what he felt for her. For the life of him, he wondered why.

A light knock at the door snapped him out of his thoughts. "Hey, Donnie! Made some breakfast. Help yourself"
"Thanks, Maya! Gimme a sec, please." he got to his feet.

After his first home-cooked meal in a long while, Adonis was back outside and at the foot of the steps. "If nothing's wrong, you're always welcome to come back. You look like you could use a vacation." Maya offered. The Hunter chuckled, "Thanks, but I still got some work to do. I'll definitely pay a visit either way."
Maya nodded and threw her arms around him. Once the two parted, The Hunter shook hands with Albert. "Thanks, both of you."
"Anytime. Always good to see you again, Donny."

Adonis made his way back to his car, Luv. He climbed in the driver's seat and checked the passenger's seat and back. He checked his bag and spotted the foul stench of dried shapeshifter blood. Closing it, he returned to his ride and inserted the key, "Miss me, Luv?" he asked. Luv roared to life as soon as he started it, warming his entire being from the feet up with a rumble. "Yeah, I missed you too." The Hunter gripped the wheel. Exiting his parking space, he waved to Maya and Albert before riding off, his home in mind.

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