Who's the Boogeyman?

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Adonis could not put into words what it felt like seeing black smoke block out the setting sun. Even from afar, he recalled the smell of burning wood filling his nostrils. It was something he had never gotten used to should anyone ask. A younger Adonis, no older than eighteen, stood frozen as he watched his home burn. Once upon a time, Saint Diana's was a home for victims of the Supernatural, and prir to the flames, a phenomenal show of human architecture. It was here Adonis trained to not only learn but fight against creatures of the night and bring avengement to the wronged. It was here that Adonis knew loss once more. He heard them, his friends and fellow waywards, attempt at managing the situation. Oceans of people rushed past him, some howling in pain and others carrying victims of the fire out. It was only when those same people began shouting at him to move that the world around him deafened. He could read their lips, track their movements but would not respond. He just stood there and trembled.

"Donny? Donny!" Tanya's voice brought him back to reality. She rushed to his side and took his hands and gave them a shake. His eyes shifted to meet hers, "T, I-"

"Breathe, Adonis. *Breathe*."

He did as he was told and attempted to gather his courage breath by breath. "Okay.. How can we stop this fire?"
Tanya shook her head, blinking out what he assumed were tears. "There is no stopping it. We tried all we could and still-" she paused, "-and still nothing's worked. We've got no other choice but to gather as many people as we can." Adonis nodded, letting go of Tanya's hands so that he could turn his attention to the wounded. The two joined their peers in assisting others. Many had fallen victim to debris whilst others had suffered horrendous burns. It was only then that Adonis had taken in the stench of charred flesh- a smell so abhorrent that he almost threw up. Setting aside his need to escape, he found a younger female student thrashing around on the ground with her hands shielding her eyes. A howl so horrifying left her lips and rattled him. He knelt by her side and made his best attempt to calm her.

"They made me watch! They made me watch!!!" she shrieked and her thrashing grew worse the second she felt his touch. "Get off me! Get off!!!"
"Please calm down, you're safe! I'm an Ogun Hunter." Adonis had no choice but to restrain her with a little more force. She did not give him an answer nor spoke another word. She halted her movements and went limp in his arms. Scooping the underclassman up, Adonis asked once more; "You said someone made you watch… Who?"

"Don't you…" her hands fell to her sides as she was carried. What he saw truly horrrified him; where her eyes should have been was a mesh of charred flesh and what appeared to be brimstone. Her eyes had been scorched, perhaps by the flame or by the aforementioned mystery folk. Bewilderment carried her tone as she asked, "Don't you see them too….?"

Her head turned to the flaming school behind them. Trailing the student's gaze, Adonis gazed upon his enemy. They were shrouded in flame at the head of the steps, their form flickering thanks to the fire. They were covered in black from head to toe, save for the pale white Ibobio mask lined with crimson teeth from chin to forehead. From their frame, he guessed they were perhaps female or slimmer than usual. "Hey!! You, come. Help her up.." he called for another Hunter to come help the eyeless student and turned his attention to the figure in the fire. They beckoned him to follow with an inviting gesture then slowly backed into the chaotic flame as he gave chase. Adonis burst into the school, the lower half of his face covered by a tattered piece or his shirt. In his hand was a silver hunting knife. "Who are you??" he shouted.







A legion of voices answered his question, each one varying word by word. He searched the flames for the figure but was interrupted by falling debris almost crushing him. As soon as he recovered, his eyes landed on the masked apparition. He threw the knife at the opposition, only to watch as they stopped the weapon in its tracks with a wave of their hand. "Why did you do this? What have we done to you?!"

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