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Adonis had two tasks to fulfill before beginning; preparations and asking a favor. He chose the less stressful task first. The task began in the French Quarter, where the Hunter made his way through the sea of tourists and partygoers. The visit was still fresh on his mind. Though the walk was meant to be his escape, he could not avoid the truth. Something *demonic* had a hand in his family's undoing and it walked free. Waves of emotions washed over him. Any attempt at keeping them at bay was slowly failing. For years, he had buried his past and controlled his emotions for proficiency in battle but after his father's revelation…

Not now.

The Hunter focused. When the pedestrians cleared, he found himself in Jackson Square, his personal favorite spot in all of New Orleans. Adonis stopped and stood within the shade for a moment. Turning his gaze upward, he took a look at the pale white church just across from the park. The cross that stood tall cast a large shadow- just where Adonis happened to have been standing. For a moment, he stared at that cross. The thought of it's opposite, the dark creatures that worship something.. worse, slowly returned to his train of thought. He denied them and returned to Jackson Square. There was a little spot where the elderly played chess, checkers, dominoes or cards. They could be found just past the statue of the horseman. Adonis remembered the place vividly, as he constantly played pranks on the older men as a child. A retired Hunter occupied that space last time he was in town. He hoped that this time, he would find his ally again. A laugh made the search much easier. Enter Lucas Rashid, a hot-headed old man who could forge nearly any tool, magical or not. Compared to Adonis' past mentors, he was the only one who ever carried a positive attitude. He was well known for both his skill in battle and crafting dangerous tools that would make even a novice Hunter formidable. If anyone knew how to battle Demons, Rashid would. Even in old age, he lacked gray hairs. On his head were long dreadlocks, a clean beard and a pair of expensive shades to compliment his usual short sleeve button-up, khaki shorts and sandals. The Hunter approached the elder but the old man already turned to him and lowered his glasses. The two then exchanged glances. When the silence seemed to drag on for too long, Rashid's eyes widened and he leapt out of his seat, ran over to Adonis and entombed him in a bear hug.

"Boogie!!" the Hunter winced at the old nickname.
"Told you I don't like being called that, OG." Adonis returned the love. The two then parted and sized each other up.
"My God you got big, boy. And you cut your hair? What happened to Dreadhead Number Two????" Rashid joked and landed a light jab to Adonis' chest.
The Hunter shared a laugh with the old man, "Got Wolf saliva in my 'locs. You know how sticky that is?"
The men both winced at the thought of Werewolf slobber getting anywhere near them.
"C'mon, Luke! Ya in or what??" One of the elders asked. The three men looked to their friend, tapping their cards impatiently.
"Hold on, ya impatient fuck," Rashid snaked an arm around Adonis and pointed to the three men he had been playing against, "There's Rosco, that old fart Tommy and Vito from New York! Boys, this is my second favorite person, Adonis Cadieux. He's the baddest bastard this side of the country."

"Heard stories about you. You're the guy who took out four Wolves last week?" Vito, a gruff but laid back individual shook Adonis' hand. The Hunter shook hands with the elders, "Yeah.. hope all the other stories are good ones."
"Definitely all good, my man. You're risin' talent! Four Werewolves and a Rugarou just last week? Kid, it's safe to say you got the Old Hunter's pissin' their pants." Rosco chuckled. Like an anxious child, Adonis said not a word and instead smiled sheepishly. It had been the first time in a while he had been praised for his work, especially by elite Hunters. He humbly nodded and said; "Thanks."

"Now, Donny. I reckon y'aint here for a game of cards?" Rashid questioned. The Hunter shook his head at that.
"I was in town when I got a new Hunt. I'm taking on something big so I need the right guy who makes the right tools." Adonis began, looking to each of the old Hunters, "I'm hunting a Demon. Figured you're the right guy to get me properly geared for the Hunt."

Everyone went silent. Creatures weren't often put into classes or categorized much but each Hunter there knew a native from Hell itself was serious business. Even a lowly Demon was formidable. They knew that and so did Adonis, hence why they shared a moment of silence. Rashid looked to his fellow Hunters and back to Adonis. He nodded and set down his cards, revealing a winning hand at that. "I fold, boys. Gotta get Boogie ready to bag his first Demon."
As Rashid led Adonis away from the group, a gloom set in. He knew it well. The old Hunters knew demonic forces well enough. There were things they faced generations before, horrible things. With it came people they may have lost as well. They would not say it but he could see the concern in their eyes.

Rashid ran a corner store in the Quarter. It was his lifelong dream to go big with his culinary skills. Unfortunately, his obligation to the Hunt often took him off his path. He opened up a corner store with the help of some friends including Adonis. Despite all the time he had lost, he planned to spend retirement working on his dream. "Can I interest you in a sub?" Rashid winked.
Adonis shook his head and patted his midsection, "Had a lot to eat last night. Still feeling well-fed, my man."
The corner store was closed a little early as it was a Sunday afternoon. The two could get to business undisturbed.
"Straight to it, alright." the Old Hunter led Adonis through the corner store and to the back. The two made their way to the back, past the boxes and little deli area where he could still smell the Gumbo and hot wraps. where an iron slab for a door awaited them. A scarlet sigil cast it's light, to which the door responded by copying the same sigil and opening up. Inside was a room full of tools and artifacts, both collected and crafted by Rashid. Weapons of all kinds covered each wall- Guns, Blades and more. Adonis was awestruck, resisting the urge to snatch up every tool in sight.

"Won't lie, Boogie.. I never really did the reading. Killing a Demon ain't exactly easy unless you got Hellmetal." Rashid eyed his weaponry and artifacts. He approached a cabinet and opened it up, revealing swords, axes, even guns with runes etched into them.
"'Hellmetal'?" Adonis whistled, gazing at the tools before him.
"Bagged a Demon in '06 with this old Hunter- Lee. Turns out the black-eyed bastard brought a knife with it. It was this tar black metal with Sigils even *I* haven't seen. Since it was Lee's kill, I begrudgingly let the man keep it. We called it 'Hellmetal'."

"You ever try to replicate it?"

"Yeah. Our Wiccans managed to put the sigils to good use but we didn't get the results we hoped for. Instead we got this;" Rashid upheld a blade crafted from pure silver. The old Hunter showed Adonis the hilt, presenting a sigil he was surely unfamiliar with. Flipping the knife, Rashid offered it to him. "The blade can't *kill* a Demon but it can expell the creature from the host. Best you prepare an exorcism beforehand to send it packing."
Adonis took the knife and eyed the sigils. He felt along the stainless weapon, wanting to say something.

Would banishing Moloch be enough?

"It'll have to do." the Hunter nodded, finding a place to stash the blade. He extended a hand to Rashid and the old Hunter took it. A firm shake followed as an uncomfortable silence made itself known.
"You got a plan?"
"Yeah. There's a Witch in town. She can help me summon a Demon. We'll see where it goes from there."
"Making it up as you go, huh? Just like Elaine.."

Elaine.. He had not heard of his mentor in some time. "Heard from her recently?"
Rashid shook his head, "Last I heard, she moved to New York to retire. Not sure if she's still there.. you know how she is."
The two shared a chuckle at that.
"Well… thank you, OG. Time to get back to it." Adonis began to make his exit. Something welled up in his chest. He knew not how to describe the familiar feeling, perhaps it were the jitters he would often feel just as the sun set, or maybe it was the anticipation he repressed. He finally had the chance to face the monster that haunted his dreams for years.

Rashid watched him go, a dark shadow falling over his eyes. With the Hunter's back turned, a moment was all his elder needed to express concern.  "Take care of yourself, Boogie."

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