Mambo's Blues

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Nashay LeRoi was an old Mambo ~~also known as Manbo!~~, likely one of the very last to do what she did best. She served the Loa spirits, specifically the Elite of the group, by being their voice on earth. Her means of communication was through rituals or a peculiar art known as Wanga. Wanga, also known as Ouanga, are often simplified as 'Voodoo Dolls'. Media portrays them as dark tools when in reality, they are the effigies that are often grafted to a man or woman for purposes that should not involve harming another. On the contrary, Wanga dolls can be used to focus strength and will on the body and even hold mystical energies for those who imbue it with power. The Hunters of New Orleans were once lent this tool before the Accident.

Returning to Ms LeRoi, the Mambo was dressed in a pale white dress with necklaces holding Gris-Gris, a pendant and a small Wanga doll. The shack surrounding her looked much better indoors than it did outdoors, with decor dedicated to Haitain Voodoo. Along the walls were pictures, presumably of her family. On the mantle next to her were lit candles. On the wooden floor was one big Vevè sigil, pulsating with a lime color glow as if it were somehow alive with the Mambo right in the middle of it. She remained still, sitting with her legs crossed. Her pale white irises met the ceiling as she let out a hum. She swayed left to right, appearing entranced.

She then snapped her head towards the door, where the cause of her disruption knocked on the door. With a mere wave, the door swung open and there was Adonis at the doorstep with Tanya. "Come in." LeRoi welcomed him in. Adonis stepped inside and took a look at the place, "Thank you for-"

"Nope. None of that. I was speaking to a rather nice boy in Tremè before you came along. I'd like to get back to it soon, so tell me what you need."
The Hunter paused, then brought out his duffel bag. He carefully laid it at her feet and opened it up to reveal artifacts, some of foreign mystical properties but many belonging to…

"...The Haitain people of Louisiana. I found your artifacts before returning home. It was messy business but I was told a Mambo would find this as a worthy offering." Adonis presented. LeRoi reached into the bag like an eager child and took a long whiff. Her satisfied smile told him he had interested her.

"They were right." her smirk creeped out both Tanya and Adonis. The Mambo stood and exited the circle, revealing to the duo the sigil of Kalfou, the Loa that rules the night. LeRoi brought a wooden chair to them and placed it right in the spot she had been sitting mere moments ago. "Tremè Boy can wait." she began pacing around him. Adonis exchanged glances with Tanya before watching the Mambo circle him. Not even a moment had passed before her thin fingers took hold of the Hunter's shoulders. She rested them there much to his dismay. "What can I do for you, Adonis?"

Adonis raised an eyebrow, "You know me?"
"No.. but the shadows do. They miss you." LeRoi answered and continued circling him. Each time she passed Tanya, she gave her what was only described as a 'Stank Face.' Tanya caught on quick, "Donny, i'll wait out-"

"No. Please stay." he blurted. No way was he staying in this shack with the Mambo by himself. Huffing, the sorceress crossed her arms and tapped her foot impatiently. The Hunter turned his attention to LeRoi and answered; "I need your help summoning a Demon. A much worse one is threatening my family and might already be here.. Have you heard of 'Moloch'?"
She hummed as if in thought, remaining in front of Adonis. "I do. New Orleans still shakes at the mention of it's name. It seems  you do too."

"He's played a part in shaping my past." Adonis shifted his feet, clenching his fists to stop his hands from shaking. LeRoi's pacing stops and she stood in front of him once more.
"And you need me to help you find someone that may or may not know of it's last whereabouts? To help you satiate a need for retribution?"
The Hunter pondered those thoughts, turning away as his thoughts of reconsideration finally surfaced. He steeled himself and faced her again, "My father's been reached out to by Moloch. I have him warded but that can only do so much. This is not only retribution but a chance to keep my family protected…" he answered with such determination. He was sure of his triumph.

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