Chapter 2

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I open my eyes and look around. I wonder where I am, then I realise that this must be the test. I see a beautiful landscape with flowers that are shades of purples and blues I've never seen before. I look around some more and I see a tall tower on a cliff edge. I try to look behind me but all I see is a vast emptiness. That doesn't seem right. I try harder and finally see the true scene. Not a lovely meadow with a graceful ivory tower on top of a cliff, but a barren valley full of monsters and a tall crooked structure in the centre. The wind screams, blowing hair in my face, and thunder bellows in the distance. I try to go back to the calmness the meadow brings, but darkness consumes me once more.

I wake up and see Marlee observing me closely.

"What did you see, Kyra?"

"I saw a beautiful valley full of flowers and there was an ivory tower on a cliff."

"Ah," the Empress says, sounding a little disappointed. "She's like the others then, I was hoping for another."

"That's not all," I continue, desperate not to be passed over for whatever special thing this is. "I turned around and saw a barren valley with these horrible creatures and a crooked tower."

"Finally," Empress Sorra says, smiling in satisfaction. "A new initiate, I'll alert Lady Bone immediately."

I am led back to my room by the Empress's servants. They tell me to pack anything I want to take with me but don't actually explain where I'm going, or why. I don't have much that was mine and mine alone. Most girls my age have a necklace or twenty their mother gave them or something, but all I have is a pair of bone earrings and a wooden carving of a dragon-like creature. I put those things in my bag, unsure whether I'll need clothes or anything like that, and go out to the hall to see Lady Bone pacing.

"Lady Bone!" I say surprised, dipping my head in respect. "What are you doing here?" I ask.

"Just making sure you pack correctly. Clearly, they haven't given you any information," she replies.

She takes one look at the contents I've packed and shakes her head.

"You're only taking that ugly carving and the bone earrings? Come on, pack your gowns and shoes, and bring some books so you don't die of boredom."

I sigh and head back inside my room to grab the items. One of the many tapestries in my room wavers and I remember the object hidden behind it, the most important thing I own. I can't believe I nearly forgot about it. I slice my finger with the same sharp ornament Ora used earlier today and press the blood to the tiny sensor. It makes a whirring noise and opens with a click. I carefully remove the bloodstone lid and pick up the ring inside it. Soul rings, they are called. Not many people know what they do, only that they are extremely rare and priceless. It is safe and as grey as ever. I sigh in relief, putting it back in the box and replacing the lid. I grab the wooden carving from my bag and unscrew the dragon's head, placing the small box carefully inside. I quickly pack the rest of my stuff and walk out, dragging my luggage behind me. I see one of the Empress's messengers waiting.

"You leave tomorrow at first light with Her Majesty. Be ready by then," he says and steps away.

"Wait!" I call out, confused and frustrated. Why do they order me about this, but don't explain anything? "Where am I going? And why?"

The guy shrugs and replies, "I don't know, I only get told the messages. Nothing else." He starts to head off again. "But some messages are important aren't they?" I ask, trying a different approach.

"And some secret," he says cooly. "I better get going. Be ready in the morning."

For the rest of the evening, I talk to Ora, and as far as I can tell she's just as confused as I am.

"So you're leaving at first light tomorrow?" She repeats.

"Yep, I guess you'll have to stay with the rest of your House," I say and Ora sighs gloomily.

"I'll write to you every day," I say to cheer her up, though really I don't know if I'll be able to.

"Yes, please. You're kind of my only friend."

"What about the other Blood kids?" I ask.

Ora winces. "They're not very friendly to me. They always say I'm weird for hanging out with a Houseless."

"A Houseless?" I ask, frowning, "Who?"

Ora bites her lip nervously. "Sorry, I meant you."

Anger boils up inside of me.

"Well, tell those jerks that one, I am not Houseless, I'm an adopted Bone, and two, Master Blood was once Houseless as all our ancestors once were." I'm basically just repeating what she told me earlier when I was saying that I was Houseless, but that's not the point.

Ora sighs. "I wish I could. But they're older than me, and they have their magic, so technically, it would be disrespectful. And it's not like they're gonna treat me any differently just because I'm Lady Ora, heiress to the House of Blood," She says sarcastically.

"Those Housefull jerks," I mutter, intending for only me to hear. Ora gasps.

"Kyra!" She exclaims.

"Sorry," I stammer. "I didn't mean it like that." I fiddle nervously with one of my earrings.

Ora just smiles and pats me on the shoulder. "I won't tell anyone," she says. "I swear on my House."

Now it's my turn to gasp. If someone swears on their House that means that if you break that promise, then the person who swore on their House and the person who they swore to have to duel to death. It's pretty serious stuff.

"Hey," she says. "We both said something that, well, let's just say, wasn't the best thing to say." she grins.

I wince. I didn't mean to call them Housefull, it's just that my anger can be uncontrollable sometimes.

"Now, I better get going, or you won't get enough sleep," Ora says, as she stands up and leaves.

I think about going to stop her, but I realise it's pointless, and I do need to rest. I change into my nightdress and call for my maid, Fala, to ask her to take my braid out because I know if I attempt to, it'll just get all tangled up and take forever to brush out again.

"Such red hair is rare around these parts," Fala remarks and I wince, another reminder that I don't truly belong here, and whether she did it on purpose or not, it still stings.

She finishes and asks if I would like anything else. I shake my head. As soon as she leaves I head towards my four-poster bed. Many things rush through my head but it's all muddled as I fade into deep sleep.

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