Chapter 26: Thanks for the Save

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The temperature in the air seemed to drop as Lucifer, along with Paimon, stepped out of the portal onto the rooftop. The faint sound of some supernatural laughter echoing in the background. The sudden incineration of two exorcists marked their arrival, leaving nothing but ashes behind.

"Apple Pie, I'm so relieved that you are okay," Lucifer declared, a mix of fatherly concern and a sinister undertone in his voice. He surveyed the scene, his eyes locking onto Adam, the source of the disturbance. "Now, what to do with these trespassing angels in my domain.... Oh, I know!"

With a snap of his fingers, three more exorcists met a fiery end, their existence erased by the King of Hell's power. Paimon, in his usual regal manner, added, "I believe this is the part where you down to the 'Rightful King of Creation'! Unless you would rather face the wrath of the Devil! And trust me, you wouldn't like him!" The threat was clear, and two more exorcists foolishly attempted to challenge Lucifer, meeting their demise swiftly on the end of Lucifer's swords. Lucifer begins to grin widely as the shadows around him begin to darken and contort.

Adam, now visibly shaken, stammered, "Y-you really ARE the princess? And Lucifer really is your dad?" Charlie nodded, a smug expression on her face.

Then he yells, "Fall back!" He flies away quickly but not before losing 2 more of his exorcists to Lucifer summoning an angelic spear and hurling it through two of them. Adam is down to 5 out of his original 14 exterminators, not counting himself or Lute.

Lucifer laughs sadistically, and Paimon smiles as he watches his master kill the angels. Lucifer summons a large tentacle monster to grab onto another exorcist before dragging her down to be eaten. (4 left). Then he petrifies another exorcist who made the mistake of looking back; she falls to the ground below, her body frozen in stone. (3 left). Then he uses a bit of atmokinesis to strike another exterminator with lightning. (2 left). Then he uses a bit of umbrakinesis and photokinesis to rip an exterminator in half.

Only one, non-Lute or Adam, exorcist remains). Finally, Lucifer just uses some telekinesis to send the last exorcist flying towards the ground at upwards of 1000 mph where a conveniently placed angelic spear is waiting. Then he summons a ball of deep red fire in his hand and launches it at Lute and Adam, the only two remaining exterminators.

Lute flies into its path, taking the hit but protecting Adam. She is extremely lucky to not have been instantly vaporized by Lucifer's fire. Lute begins to fall, but Adam catches her.

Lute looks up at him from his arms as Adam says, "Lutey... Have I ever told you how blessed, wonderful, and special you are to me?"

Lute replies, blushing slightly through her mask, "No, sir..."

Adam responds, "Good, I wouldn't want you to stop trying."

Lucifer smiles sadistically at the carnage. Charlie is only slightly disturbed.

Then Adam turns around and yells, "Ha ha, missed me! Oh and say 'hi' to Lilith for me, next time you see her!"

He laughs manically and flies to the Gateway of Heaven. Lucifer, annoyed, creates a frying pan out of thin air and throws it at Adam (who is several thousand meters away), and he somehow hits him right in the back of the head. It doesn't kill him or even knock him out, but it still hurts, and he's gonna feel that bruise later.

Now that Adam is gone, Lucifer reigns himself back in, the temperature and area returning to a normal state. He turns and hugs Charlie

He looks at Paimon and says, "Tell Carmilla that she has some more toys. An early... New Years gift. From me." Paimon nods and portals away. Leaving Charlie and her father alone on the roof.

He looks at Charlie worried, "Oh Charlotte, my dearest little duckling, are you okay? They didn't hurt you, did they?"

Charlie shakes her head.

He sighs, relieved, and continues, "Good. If one of those pompous flying rodents had hurt you, I would have personally dismantled all of Heaven. And that Adam... who does he think he is.... The first human and one of the first sinners, and the man who somehow managed to make it into Heaven and become the chief exterminator. Then he comes down to MY domain and threatens my daughter! (He then mutters something to himself under his breath that she doesn't catch)."

Charlie looks at him with a strange look, "What was all that?"

He sighs and replies, "Oh... that. Yes! I'm sorry you had to see that. Um... maybe to be explained at a later date. But first, are you alright?"

Charlie replies, "I'm fine Dad. I'm alright. Just a little shaken up. I thought..." She looks at her feet sadly.

He nods, "You thought that angels were supposed to be the good guys. Perfect, kind, and loving. But then you find out, they aren't. They're just a bunch of humans who somehow managed to make it into 'the good place' against all odds. And now they live in a pompous, supremacist lifestyle in a rigged society." He sighs.

Then he notices Charlie's even sadder face and he gently continues, voice full of empathy, "Listen, Sweetie. I know that this is... a shock for you. To find out about the harsh reality that Heaven isn't the perfect place that it's cracked up to be. That... (he sighs). It wasn't always that way.... Charlie. I'm going to tell you a story. One that goes against everything I've vowed and tried to forget about. My (back)story."

Charlie looks up at him, curious about what he has to say.

He summons a portal that engulfs them both and transports them to a large, shapeless, and featureless room. Or at least, that's how it appears.

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