Brimsely and Charlotte

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now age 10 looking around for her Brimsely

"Brimsely?! Where are you?!" Wonder the young princess looking around she spots him

"Oh Brims...." And gaps seeing him kissing another boy which they turned and see her

"Your highness." The other boy scattered while Brimsely fixed himself as she walked towards them

"I'm terribly sorry you had to see me in such..." Charlotte hugs him which confused him at first

"Oh Brimsely why didn't you say anything before I wouldn't have care about it."

"Well it's frowned upon my sort of nature."

"What nature is that?! Were in hell I've seen must worst."

"Well it's not acceptable with my parents."

"Well forget about them I had daddy make an amazing room for you to be by my side whenever I need you."


"Absolutely you are by my side always behind me, making me look well." Brimsely smiled softly as the princess walks he walked behind her which she senses and smile.

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