Plan of seduction (part. 1)

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After his proclamation Ben goes to take a quick shut eye in his room when he quickly woke up and noticed his room was transformed to a full green bedroom with money dangling over him

After his proclamation Ben goes to take a quick shut eye in his room when he quickly woke up and noticed his room was transformed to a full green bedroom with money dangling over him

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"Wow!" He said softly sitting up

"Oh my majesty your up." He heard turning his head he seems a slim hour glass girl with jet black hair curly hair in a green seethrew lingerie

" He heard turning his head he seems a slim hour glass girl with jet black hair curly hair in a green seethrew lingerie

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"Uh..... Yes... I mean I I'm... Prince Ben and who might you be?" He asked in nervous but slightly aroused the young princess giggled softly walking over while magically putting her hair up she began to get on the bed and crawls onto the bed which Ben gulped but stayed still seeing her features closely to him seeing the little mole on her left side of her face right beside under her left eye then gets kissed passionately by the unknown girl but he doesn't part he actually kissed back with the same passion as her in his arms his hands run all over her body as they part lips his go straight to her neck and left shoulder leaving marks hearing her vocally in such a tone their eyes meet again

"Who are you my love?" She smiled sweetly at him

"I am Princess Charlotte, my future king if you have me?"

"Yes. A thousand times yes." The two kissed passionately again this time Charlotte back away hearing him whimper lightly for more of her which she laughed internally smiling as Ben began to kiss her body slightly feeling how warm and soft her skin is looking up noticing every small feature on her body down to her slim sides while his hands run down to her hips gently placing kisses on her stomach

"Your majesty?" He looked up at her beautiful eyes

"Yes my princess?" She leans down to his face barely lips touching

"Do you want me like this with you in reality?"

"Yes, yes I do my princess, please, please I beg of you to be real when I wake up."

"Soon will meet face to face once I appear nothing will be the same your majesty." Once the two kiss Ben wakes up looking around seeing he was back in his room and groaned upset but remembered what his princess spoke so he got ready. Back at Mammon Mansion Brimsely had Charlotte bags and his packed separately in the limo wanting with the limo door open Charlotte wore the best sexy outfit walking towards the limo she knew that soon she'll have everything in her possession.

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