The Isle Will Be Forever

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After lovingly making out with Ben Charlotte had brismely make her room

completely the same as hers back home even she let him make his room right by hers

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completely the same as hers back home even she let him make his room right by hers. Meanwhile looking over Ben's Auradon future laws he wants to put

"How pathetic letting four nobodies over to a place like this once I'm with him I'll make sure the four are put back and his little idea of bringing over any villains will be a distance memory and to add salt to the wound I would have uncle Lucifer every year to rise up demons and killed all." She said taking a sip from champagne

"As you soon will take the throne my princess it shall be done." Then there was a knock

"Brismely see who dares make an intrution while I see a way to think of making some changes to Ben's plan."

"Yes my princess." He goes opens the door and see the core letting them in

"My princess, it be the children of the villains that were brought over daughter of Maleficent and the evil queen and sons of Jafar and Cruella de Vil your highness."

"Ah yes the oh sort called um core why have you come and bothered me at such time?"

"We wanted to know why your helping Ben? Your the princess of greed."

"Why you four should mind you manners and don't be discussing of royal discussions that you are not going to ever have. More the topic of Ben will be soon king and which I will soon be his queen."

"Wait but your not even dating him lone are with him."

"Maybe but soon I'll have him in my grasp bed him and when that is said and done you four will be back in the Isle of the lost for treason."

"What but we..."

"Oh have I not the knowledge of you and your friends here trying to take the wand for your insulin mother Maleficent so she can bring over nothing but havoc am I wrong?" Mal stayed quiet but in anger

"You don't know what your talking about!"

"Oh now be so biligerant Mal it's all in your face that what I'm saying is true."

Charlotte (pretending to be Ben)

Okay, his got a lot to get through, and not a lot of time
And he feel like they're weren't hearing him before
So here it goes, ahem

He know Isle population is out of control
It's a bad situation, it's taking a toll
If we rehab these villians and cleanse all their souls
At Auradon prep, wait, his getting ahead of himself!
Right, banishment
I know you guys over there every year
And it must be annoying to stay all the time there
But If you join them in Auradon, that trip disappears!
He can wave that chore farewell
It'll be a happy day in Aura....
(Charlotte laughed realisticly)

Let me stop myself right there
Save us all precious time
If what his suggesting is letting them come
Over the waters oh, they'd rather cross the pearly bridge?
(To Mal)
Sorry sweetie, but there's no defyin' their fates
'Cause the Isle will be forever, whether you like it or not
Had their chance to behave better, soon they boil in a pot
'Cause the rules are black and white
There's no use in tryin' to fight it
They will be burnin' for their lives soon until you're banished again


Just try to chillax dear, you're wasting your breath
Did I hear you imply that they don't deserve banishment?
I'm a winner! You are sinners.
'Cause it's cut and dry
Fair is fair, an eye for an eye
(Charlotte and her demons)
And, when all's said and done (Said and done)
There's the question of fun
And for those of us with hellish ordainment
Banishment is entertainment!
The Isle will be forever, whether you like it or not
Had their chance to behave better
Soon they boil in a pot
'Cause the rules are black and white
There's no use in tryin' to fight it
They're will be burnin' for their lives until you're banished again
Fuckin', the Isle will be forever and it's meant to suck a lot
So give up your dumb endeavor, 'cause you don't have a shot
Long as I got your attention
I guess I should probably mention
That once I have Ben, I'll make the determination
That right his coronation, send you back to banishment


Can't wait a whole week to banish you little cunts
I know it's just been a day, but we'll be back in after I'm done!

Charlotte laughed as her demons kicking them out.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19 ⏰

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