𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲-𝐎𝐧𝐞𓇽

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I sat on his bed in a towel. Looking at the only piece of clothing i had to wear. That beautiful blue dress, now cursed with his memory. Last night, it was a something I felt so elegant in, felt so safe in. It was something that made me feel so special, until he tried to take it off me.

I pushed the thought of putting that fabric anywhere near my skin out of my mind. Realizing my only option was to go home and get some clothes. I could run in and grab some things for me and Diego for a little while. Some money even, hopefully enough for a motel so we could get out of the Pogues' hair. Although they were being very welcoming, there was no need for them to have to deal with the stress of having an eight year old here. Not only that, but I am definitely a stress in my current state.

I made my way to the door, and saw JJ and Diego sitting together on the couch. They both laughed as they watched Sponge bob play on the TV.

I was so confused with their bond. I completely understood how they got along, knowing both of their personalities and similarities. It was just the thought of Diego allowing one of my friends in so easily. He never hesitated. One conversation with JJ and he was hooked. It took my past friends years to earn his trust. No matter their kindness towards him, he never trusted them. Assumed they were all like the group of rude, popular kids I used to hang out with. There was just something to JJ, he had this charm that worked on everyone.

"JJ, do you think I could get a lift back to my house real quick?" I asked, hesitantly. 

"Your house? With your dad? No, you definitely can't" he answered, in pure confusion.

"I need clothes, Diego is going to need clothes. My money is there, so is all of my stuff" I explained. His face came to realization of what I was saying.

"Borrow some of mine. You're not going anywhere near your dad Breezy. Here I'll grab you something," he said, making his way into the room. Shuffling through his drawers, he eventually threw me some joggers and a shirt. he kept on looking around, finding a hoodie as well.

"Thanks JJ," I thanked, giving him a smile as he left. The smile slowly faded once I got no acknowledgment from him. I was still unsure of this whole situation really. Why did JJ come looking for me? Does he actually miss me or is Kiara still in the picture? I had all these questions yet little to no answers.

I cautiously put on the clothes, moving my legs slowly in attempt to limit any pain. Finally slipping on the hoodie, being met with a familiar scent. I made my way out the room and onto the couch beside Diego. Letting my brother act as a barrier between me and JJ.

"Ellie they have a TV! I haven't watched sponge bob since we were in LA" he informed me excitedly. He was loving his time here, I don't know how I would convince him to leave eventually.

"Stop lying you watched movies all night at Jax's house every time you go" I laughed, knowing he was exaggerating his story.

"I haven't been at his house in like, a week. That is forever" he argued.

"It is Briella, that is a long time without some sponge bob" JJ defended his little friend. Earning a high five from Diego.

I simply shook my head at the two. I was looking around, and saw out the window that Pope and JB were outside enjoying the sun. I debated whether or not I should join them, giving the two boys some space to continue watching their TV.

I told them I was going to get some air, and slowly made my way outside, next to the hot tub where they were sitting.

"Briella! How's it going?" JB asked.

"Been better. Sorry for crashing here with Diego. I'm trying to figure out somewhere to go, we shouldn't be here for too long," I reassured him.

"Really Bri? Don't worry bout it. Just stay here for a couple of weeks" he offered, almost sarcastically as he walked off.

"He isn't joking, stay as long as you need" Pope said, seeing the guilt in my face. "JJ was worried about you, he thinks something happened with Rafe and you last night. Did he do anything to you?"

"How— Where did he hear that from?" I asked. Worried my last loose end had talked to someone and hinted last nights events.

"He didn't, he just said you thought he was Rafe or something like that," Pope replied. "Don't be afraid to tell us, if he did something we can help you out"

"No, you can't" I said, harshly even. "He tried to— Whatever he did doesn't matter anymore"

"Bri please, just tell us. We can help you,"

"No you guys can't know. It will just make the whole situation worse," I said, slowly getting up and making my way back to the house. As I slowly limped my way, I felt a hand grab my shoulder.

"No! Get off, get— get off," I yelled as I tripped on my own feet and fell to the ground, expecting to see his devilish smirk stare back at me. Instead I was met with Pope's concerned face, his hands up in surrender.

I heard the door slam as my breath hitched, tears welled in my eyes as I panicked. I saw JJ come out and push Pope, yelling something at him that I couldn't hear. It was like the world around me went silent. I heard my increasing heart rate as I watched the two have their mime-like argument. I sat there alone and on the ground, struggling to regulate my breathes, craving to be held by anyone. I just wanted to feel safe.

"JJ," I cried, indicating I needed his help. He quickly left Pope and came over to me. The second he was about to grab my hands he hesitated, not sure what he should do considering my reactions from the morning.

I grabbed onto him, hugging him tightly. No fear struck through my body, he was the one who saved me. He just did again, running out to make sure I was ok. He wasn't Rafe, he could never be Rafe. He was JJ, that funny boy I met in English class. The boy who brought me to the carnival, and who helped me out with Diego. He was JJ. 

"It's ok Brie, he's not here. Neither of them are ok? It's me and you, you're safe" he reassured, drawing circles on my back. I nodded my head, keeping my tight hold on him. Not wanting to let go.

Slowly, I regained composure. Feeling humiliated, I apologized to Pope before JJ helped me back inside. We went to sit on the couch, enjoying the show Diego had left on before he got up to go somewhere.

I leaned on JJ, not wanting the connection between the two of us to break. My head rested comfortably on his shoulder, as his arm wrapped around my body protectively. I was safe here, with JJ. He wouldn't let anything happen to me.

Diego came back and joined us, lying his head on my lap as he continued to watch his show. I could tell he hadn't slept last night. The way he kept rubbing his eyes and yawning. After a few episodes, I could hear his soft snores. I continued to play with his hair, not wanting to disrupt his sleep. JJ too, was slowly dosing off. His head leaned against mine. It all felt right, the three of us lying together, free from Papa and Rafe. No worries, no nothing, just peace.

I wanted to sleep, but didn't want to wake either of them up due to a nightmare. Forcing my eyes to stay awake, I continued to watch Teen Titans Go on the TV. It wasn't as bad as you would expect, it was honestly pretty funny.

"Breezy, why aren't you sleeping?" JJ asks, groggily.

"It's a really good show," I lied, grabbing his hand and squeezing it to show him I was fine.

"I'm not going anywhere, you can sleep. I'll be right here if you have another nightmare," he stated, before he once again dozed off.

I continued to try and force myself awake. Not wanting to risk anything. But the more time I spent in the comfort of his arms, the heavier my eyes became.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27 ⏰

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