Almost out if this place (bradley)

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(Random note, every couple of chapters I'm gonna have a diary part with Bradley<3)

     I felt my heart stop when I saw Butters holding a girl's hand.

My eyes turn glossy but I hold back my sadness. Maybe Butters is just friends with her, it's nothing serious. I rush up to them and I smile weakly at butters.

Butters looks at me with a smile

"Oh hey, Bradley!" He looks at the girl and shyly speaks "Sorry, but Bradley is going to sit next to me. Is that okay?"

She frowns and nods "Okay...bye butters" She waves and leaves to find another seat"

Finally, took her long enough...

I sit beside my best friend with a warm smile and immediately hold his hand, it's so warm

-After the boring lecture from pastor Phillips.

Seems like the only thing they care about is someone's love life. I'm tired of it, and Butters seems like he is too. Why are they so obsessed with people and who they love? I'm done. I love butters, okay? Is that so bad? Throughout these weeks I've never felt so happy until butters came along.

"Bradley...bradleyy?" Butters waved his hand in front of my face.

"Hm?" I say breaking out of my thoughts

"I lost you for a second" he giggles, his laugh is so magical "Anyways I was saying do you want to go outside and listen to music again? Maybe we could hang out with Robert and the others!"

Oh, I was hoping it'd be just us but. I don't want butters to be sad so I'll just go with it

"Sure, sounds good Leo"

"Yay! Let's go!" Butters pulls my arm and hurriedly goes outside, I really hope he likes me like that. I should just ask him. But it's too soon! I can't risk it yet.

We meet the group, my hand immediately clings onto butters'. It's hard being in a larger friend group, they could all hate me.

"Heya, fellas!" Leopold says with excitement in his voice. I like the way he shows emotion with his eyes, hands, and voice. It can tell you a lot about him...

"Hey butters, hey Bradley!" George says with a smile

"Where are the twins?" I ask

"I actually don't know, apparently their parents are here, and they're in the director's office."

"Oh no! Are they in trouble?" The short blonde boy says worriedly. So adorable...

"Nah I think their going home" Robert cut off.

"Speaking of going home, uhm what day is it?"

"It's January 29 why?"

Wait, no way! It's almost been a full month!!! Then me and butters can go home! I'm so excited to get out of this place, I could jump around and sing all day.

"Bradley! That means we're about to leave soon" Butters beams and hugs me, oh my goodness. My cheeks turn pink as I hug him back. I could just kiss butters right now...

"Let's celebrate, woohoo!" Butters takes my hand and brings me to our room, but he leaves me outside the door saying "Stay out there for just a couple minutes!!"

I've never felt so much curiosity ever. "Okaaayyy!" I let out a chuckle, not afraid to show my emotions anymore. I lean against the door and wait around 10 minutes, it felt like 10 years...

"Okay come in," Butters says opening the door, my eyes widen and I smile with a blush

"Awwww leooo, this is adorable" I look at the fort butters made of blankets, and he added a paper heart to the tip of the tent.
How did he make it this fast...

I immediately entered the tent with butters, it felt so romantic

"Thank Bradley I'm glad you like it, it is kinda like a last hoorah before we leave this stupid place."

I hum with a smile and hold butters hands

"Yeah, I'm so happy to leave, especially with you" I felt a huge spark between us

"Me too, thanks for being a great friend," Butters says with a sweet smile.

"You too butters" I lean in closer but immediately stop, thinking 'what am I doing?!' I back away, chuckling nervously.


The time is 6 pm, and we stay up talking about random things, our favorite music artists, and hobbies. I even told butters about my past, my heart fluttered when he gave me a hug for a whole 3 minutes. I never loved anyone more...

"I'm sorry for what happened to you, no one deserves that

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"I'm sorry for what happened to you, no one deserves that. You are the kindest most bestest best friend ever"

Each day is getting increasingly difficult to hold my heart and voice back...

"Hey, it's okay butters. I can say the same about you, nobody deserves parents and friends like that. You are the sweetest, understanding, and attentive guy ever" he seemed to like what I said and he leaned against my shoulder, I wish he was born a girl... so I could ask him to be my girlfriend. Or maybe not yet but we could at least be together.

"I'm so...tired" Butters whispers and slowly closes his eyes.

I kiss butters head and whisper "Goodnight Leo, sweet dreams.." I hold him close, we have never been this close together while sleeping, I'm too in love to be tired. I should probably stop thinking about it before I accidentally say something I shouldn't, like "I love you Butters"


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