6: I Miss This

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Recap: Jake leaned back in his bed and gazed up at the ceiling. He honestly didn't know how he was feeling anymore. It was just one big pool of emotions.

The next day:

Jake managed to get through the entire day only seeing Heeseung once (resulting in a very awkward elevator ride) Jake just finished dance practice and was on his way out when Jungwon stopped him. "Hyung! I was wondering if you'd want to come over for dinner tonight," he asked while catching up with Jake.

"Oh, and like third wheel you and your husband?" Jake chuckled. Jungwon smiled sweetly.

"No, we're having a dinner party with our friends," he clarified. Jake nodded, he thought for a moment. Heeseung's too introverted to be at a party, right?

"Sure, can I bring my best friend Ni-Ki?" Jake asked.

"Of course! The more the merrier!" Jungwon smiled brightly.

Jake's Apartment:

"Ni-Ki are you ready yet?! We're gonna be late!" Jake shouted, slipping on his nice shoes.

"Hold on my hair's being stubborn!" Ni-Ki shouted back. Jake sighed and looked at his watch.

"Ni-Ki come on!" they were already fifteen minutes late.

"Jake, can you put the dango and mochi in a container so we can bring it?!" Ni-Ki was shouting from his room. Jake groaned sassily and did as Ni-Ki asked.

Jake sped to the location. By the time they arrived they were forty-five minutes late. They knocked on the door. They were dressed a little more casually. They had jewelry and Jake even did his own makeup. The door opened. Jungwon greeted them with a smile and a bow and let them into the penthouse. The apartment was filled with people, not so much that things felt cramped, but enough to distinguish it as a high-class party.

"You must be Ni-Ki!" Jungwon smiled.

"Yeah, you must be Jungwon?" Ni-Ki asked. Jungwon nodded and smiled.

"Come meet my husband," Jungwon dragged them both over to the kitchen counter. A man with gelled silver hair stood talking to another party attendee. He was wearing a pressed white button up, with the sleeves rolled up. He kept a few buttons unbuttoned; it made him look more attractive. "Jay Hyungie, I'd like you to meet my friends," Jungwon tugged on his husband's sleeve to get his attention. Jay looked over at Jake and Ni-Ki.

"Hey...You look oddly familiar," He squinted and pointed at Jake. Jungwon laughed.

"He's the person who was tied up to Heeseung 4-5 years ago," Jungwon reminded. Jay's eyes went wide, Ni-Ki's did too.

"Wait, is he the person who tried to perform the string ritual with you and Heeseung?" Ni-Ki asked, pointing at Jay, remembering the stuff they told him in the ice cream shop.

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