Pickpocketing queen bee

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"Hey babe" Jisung mumbled to his best friend who placed a soft peck on his cheek.

"You look stunning, Ji" Felix smiled:
"How should we refer to you tonight?"

"I'm not feeling gender at all lately... so I don't really care. Is there any gin lemon around here?"

"Kitchen" Lix pointed.

Jisung nodded and left him there, on the couch, cutting the crowd to try and get to the other side of the hall.
New school year parties had always been lame to them but at least there was alcohol. In that second someone bumped into him with quite some force.

"Watch where you're going, bitch"

They instantly snapped, regretting it a second later when she met a pair of gorgeously dead dark eyes.

"Sorry" the guy said, barely audible between the chatter and the music, hurrying away.

But Jisung's eyes followed him into the kitchen. It was unlike them to miss the presence of a guy that hot so she assumed he was the new maniac everyone was talking about.

This party suddenly got fifty times more interesting...

he thought to themselves with a sly smirk.

Minho played with the metal in his hands: pretty, maybe silver? Then swiftly hid it in his pocket when a figure jumped on the kitchen counter beside him.

"Hey, you. Mind passing me some gin lemon?"

asked the Queen Bee himself.

"Yes, m'am" Minho teased.

As the cold glass passed from hand to hand their fingers touched. Minho tried not to focus too hard on that. Han Jisung wiggled their legs in the empty space below him, humming along to the music. Just how Minho had hoped, they didn't seem to have noticed he was the one who had bumped into them.

"Ayo, Han Jisung" a voice said suddenly.

Minho turned ever so slightly, trying to look uninterested. The guy who had talked was shirtless and clearly drunk out of his mind. When he approached Ji, Minho tensed up, ready to take action in case things went south. But Jisung seemed to have everything under control.

"San, honey this party's lovely. Thanks for inviting me" they cooed with a way too sweet voice.

"Could never leave my queen out of some fun"

San only stopped walking forward when he was standing between Jisung's legs, who wrapped his arms around the other's naked shoulders, pulling him closer.

"You're sexier than ever" San whispered loud enough for Minho to hear.

Jisung responded by sliding a finger on his sharp jawline, a satisfied smile decorating his lips.

"I'll wait for you tonight, call me"

San mimicked the phone with his hands then rejoined his very drunk friends, leaving the kitchen for good.

"Wish that was you, huh"

Minho realised too late that he had been staring. He coughed and avoided Jisung's eyes.

"Not really... I'm just not used to this, I guess"

he said with a shrug.

"What are you used to then?"

"Sermons, nuns and lots of rules?"

"Ugh boo booooring"

Minho smiled at the sass decorating his voice. Jisung thought that his attempt at a smile was lowkey more of a murderous grin, which just made him more attractive.

"That's a great recap"

"So you're the new guy huh... I've heared a lot about you"

Minho groaned:"Are my past actions already ruining my current reputation?"

Jisung thought of the terrified nerds anticipating a new bully and of the bullies excited to welcome someone new in their ranks.

"You could say that"

"I've heared a lot about you too, actually"

Jisung met his eyes, barely visible under a messy mass of black hair. They were so dead it was impossible for her to guess what the other was thinking.

"You've probably heared that I'm an easy fuck or something like that, haven't you?"

Minho's eyes traveled up and down his body, making a weird sensation rise in their belly.

"Something like that"

he repeated.

Jisung was about to give him some top notch sass back when his best friend entered the room.

"Ji! There you are! We're doing truth or dare, wanna play?"

"Hell yeah"

they answered, jumping down the counter. Only that way, she noticed how much taller the other was compared to them. It was a lot.

"You could play too, if you want" they suggested.

Minho shook his head:
"Pass. I don't want to ruin my life yet"

"Fair" Jisung said with a smile:
"See you around, new guy"

"See you around, queen bee"



I just watched "How do you live?" with my boyfriend, it was nice :)

What's you guys' fav Ghibli movie?

(btw I have it all written so I'll post once a day)

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