Chapter 4: Training

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Early the next morning Lucas is seen sitting in his room, meditating. Lucas started meditating so that he could fully sense his own aura without the help of the Riolu egg. Once he has mastered this step he can move onto the second step, sensing the aura of other people and pokemon. All pokemon you see have some amount of aura, though only Riolu and Lucario are well known for it due to their natural strength with the power source. And since Lucas and Riolu were on the same wavelength, it will allow the two to share thoughts and emotions. And the final step in the first stage of training Lucas' aura will be learning to sense aura within the land, trees and plants around him. After a few hours of meditating Lucas can sense a kind of energy within his body flowing throughout his entire form. Lucas was then pulled out of his meditation by what sounded like a thunder strike on the other side of the house. "AAAHHH!" Ash screamed in pain. Lucas chuckled, guessing that Ash had slept through his medical training and was being punished by Ria via thundershock from Pichu before he returned to meditation.

Oak's Lab: 7 am

Ria had just arrived at Professor Oak's lab and was doing her job, checking all the pokemon for injuries and healing most of them, except for those she would be using for class. After checking for thirty minutes all of the pokemon were fully healed except for those she was using for her lesson and she went to the medical bay. There, her students were waiting for their lesson. "Okay, now then, most of you have trained under me for some time and have all healed the Professor's pokemon before. So get to work and if you have any problems, ask me. I'll also be checking to make sure you don't give the pokemon any improper medicine," Ria explained. Gary, who had arrived fifteen minutes earlier, just tried to blend in with the crowd, trying to make sure Ria wouldn't spot him. All of the kids followed Ria to treat the injured pokemon. "Now then. Everyone, what is the injury on this pokemon?" Ria asked her students as they watched a Sandslash that was scraping its back, despite blood coming out of the scrapes it had made. "Did something stick to its back?" Sam, one of the students, asked Ben as they looked at the injury. "Look, there's a spot with dark and yellow colouring," Another student pointed out. "It's stun poison," Ben realised, telling the others. Now that they know what they have to treat, one of the kids walked towards Sandslash with a poison potion. However, in its scared state Sandslash tried to attack him. "Looks like Sandslash is confused due to the pain. Does anyone know what to do in this case?" Ria asked her class. Another kid stepped forward spraying Sandslash with a potion that knocked it out before it could harm the kid. Seeing this, the other kid moved forward, applying the poison potion. This then continued in a similar vein for all of the other pokemon there until they were all healed before returning to the classroom. "Tom? Where did you go wrong today?" Ria asked the boy who had healed the Sandslash. "I didn't use the sleeping potion. I forgot Sandslash might have been confused by the pain," Tom admitted sheepishly. "Good. You should all remember any pokemon might attack a human if in extreme pain. You have to be careful," Ria said, "Class dismissed." "Gary, take this notebook and read everything inside," Ria instructed, passing him the book after the other students left. "Okay," Gary agreed, pocketing the book quickly. "So, where's Ash?" Ria asked, seeing he wasn't there. "He won't be here until the afternoon," Gary replied instantly, expecting the question and amused Ash would be punished as a result. "Why?" Ria asked, her tone dangerous. "Because he won't wake up until twelve," Gary replied innocently. "Read the book," Ria ordered shortly, stalking out of the lab to find Ash. Gary chuckled before he also ran outside, going to find other children to play with.

"If you don't come on time tomorrow I will come and wake you myself," Ria warned Ash after dragging him out of bed, the boy still rubbing his eyes sleepily. "Ok, got it," Ash agreed, nodding his head crazily. He didn't want to get zapped. "Read this book," Ria added, handing the same book she had given Gary to him. Before turning and walking away, muttering angrily to herself. Ash grumbled to himself as soon as she was out of ear shot, still sore from the shock Pichu had given him as he went back inside to find Silver. "Bro, why didn't you wake me up?! You knew she'd zap me if I wasn't on time, but you still let me sleep in!" Ash yelled as he entered Lucas; room, disrupting his meditation. "I recall standing beside your bed just before seven for around 10 minutes repeatedly saying, 'Ash, wake up'," Lucas replied simply. "Well you should have said it louder!" Ash declared, embarrassed as he turned and walked out of the room, leaving Lucas chuckling to himself, amused.

After that incident Lucas ensured that Ash was up before seven everyday, though he joked with their mother that he didn't think Ash liked his method, their mother agreeing with a giggle. His method was to dump a bucket of water on Ash if he didn't wake up in the first five minutes of telling him to get up. After that Ash would freshen up while grumbling about the additional cold shower he had gotten before heading to the Professor's lab to play with the pokemon. He would have gone there straight away, but their mother Delia put her foot down. After having breakfast Lucas would return to his room to meditate, trying to learn how to sense the aura of other people's pokemon. He practised on the Riolu egg first, as this would be easier with both being on the same wavelength. Lucas would meditate while keeping the Riolu egg in the lab, trying to sense its aura. Surprisingly, this was far easier than finding his own aura as he could sense the raw energy within the egg quickly, which he knew was Riolu's aura. After that he knew he needed to sense the aura of another pokemon so he went to the Professor's lab with the egg and placed his hand on the pokemon to sense its aura. Sensing the aura of another being was far easier with physical contact. He quickly felt the same pulsing energy under the pokemon's skin before removing his hand, knowing he had to learn how to do this without physical contact. It was a boring task, but Lucas was determined to continue. So he started meditating while standing up, trying to feel the pokemon's aura. After half an hour he had succeeded and could feel Bulbasaur's aura without touching it. Feeling accomplished and tired, Lucas decided to head back home to rest, passing Ash and Gary having another battle as he walked out. "Wait Lucas, don't leave," Gary and Ash pleaded upon seeing him, "Who's going to heal our pokemon if you aren't here?" Neither of them wanted to get another shock from Ria. Lucas nodded in understanding, moving to the side to watch the battle as the pair continued, confident now they had Lucas there to heal their pokemon. The battle was intense, with Ash's Rattata ultimately beating Gary's Pidgey and Lucas healed the injured pokemon before the boys left the Professor's lab.

The next day Lucas once again woke Ash with the water bucket trick, Ash grumbling in annoyance as he left for another session of medical training. Lucas then left Pallet Town for the woods around the area, before he went into meditation, attempting to feel the aura in nature around him. This was the final stage of the first step, and after this Lucas was confident he could hatch the Riolu egg. Lucas closed his eyes and started sensing the aura in everything around him: the air, the ground, the boulders and the trees. Days went on like this with Lucas waking Ash with a water bucket to the face before entering the forest to train his aura, caring for the Riolu egg in between. After ten days Lucas was able to sense the aura in everything around him and even had begun to manipulate his own aura. This had proven especially time consuming, Lucas' aura not even moving the first day he attempted this, but within the week he had managed to draw his aura out of himself. Now he could begin learning different techniques to take advantage of his aura. However before that Riolu needed to be hatched from its egg. This step will prove particularly easy thanks to the method Professor Oak had told Silver about, which was used in Rota, the Lucario Kingdom to hatch Riolu eggs.

In Lucas' room the boy breathed deeply, nervous for what was about to happen as he placed his Riolu egg on the ground, now out of the incubator. Lucas then placed his hand on the egg and began to share his aura with Riolu, awakening the pokemon as it began to move inside its egg. This step took quite a long time. Then after a few hours the egg began to glow as cracks formed on the surface. The egg then broke apart in shards of light, leaving behind a small bipedal pokemon with blue skin, a black 'mask' over its eyes. Not only that, but due to the injection of Lucas' aura Riolu's strength and its bond with Lucas have increased. And together the two will do great things. 

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