Chapter 9: Through Viridian Forest

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The forest is unsurprisingly filled with extremely large trees, their densely packed form allowing little sunlight through, though the little that does come only increases the place's beauty. There are many pokemon flying through the air and many bug pokemon hiding in the trees and looking fearfully at the gang as they walked through the forest. "AAAHHH!" And Misty was screaming continuously whenever a bug came close to her. "Can you please be quiet?" Lucas asked after the tenth time, the trio of friends all becoming annoyed by her screaming. "Car," Lucario agreed, glaring slightly at the girl. "I can't help it! I hate bugs! Hate, hate, hate!" Misty yelled back, frantically knocking the Weedle on her leg away. "From the looks of it, I'd say you're scared of them," Ash teased, earning a glare from Misty. "I am not scared of them!" Misty yelled back. "The screaming isn't helping her case," Lucas whispered to his brother, causing Ash and Lucario to snicker, nodding in agreement. "Woah, a Caterpie! How about I catch it?" Ash wondered, pointing out the bug, "Go pokeball!" Ash's pokeball threw straight at the Caterpie, hitting it as it was engulfed in red light. The Pokeball started to shake, but after a few shakes the pokemon came back out. "What happened? I should have caught it," Ash said, confused, as Ria, Misty and Lucas laughed.

"Idiot, you have to defeat a pokemon first before catching it! That's basic knowledge. How could you become a trainer without even knowing that?" Misty mocked, looking unimpressed. The catch rate of a pokeball after all was increased the weaker the pokemon was, so defeating them in battle was a definite help if you wanted to catch a pokemon. Higher quality pokeballs like Great and Ultra balls also had a higher catch rate than normal pokeballs. "And why are you catching a bug? I told you I hate them!" Misty added, furious. "Because I was hoping she hates them enough that she'd go away," Ash admitted in a whisper to Lucas, earning an amused snort from him. "Fair enough. She is very annoying," Lucas agreed as Ash nodded in reply. "Pikaa!" Pikachu yelled, jumping at Caterpie with a quick attack, hitting the bug type in the side, "Pikachu!" "Go, pokeball!" Ash yelled, seeing that Pikachu had weakened Caterpie, and this time it didn't come out of the pokeball, "Yes! I caught my first pokemon!" Ash took the pokeball to his face and rubbed it with his nose. This accidentally opened the pokeball, causing Caterpie to fall on Misty's leg. "Ahhh! Remove that disgusting thing from me!" Misty yelled, shaking her leg to throw Caterpie off her leg. Caterpie crawled away, clearly upset as Pikachu and Eevee moved in to comfort it. "You poor thing," Ria murmured sadly, gently stroking Caterpie to soothe the sad bug. "Cattapiieee!" Caterpie replied happily as it hugged Ria. Lucas had already decided not to catch any weak pokemon. He had carefully mapped out a team of six he wanted to train, and didn't want to focus on any weak pokemon. Caterpie can evolve into Butterfree, but Lucas had never particularly liked the bug type, feeling it required far more training to become powerful than most types. Sure, he would train certain bug types if he could get them - say, Scizor- but he wouldn't waste his time on a Caterpie. The gang then continued towards Pewter City, Ash not catching anymore pokemon because they were all bug types like Caterpie. Misty spent much of her time hiding behind Ria to escape the 'disgusting bugs' as she called them, the two boys unwilling to put up with the girl.

After some time a flying type Pokemon came flying into the forest, intent on preying on the ground dwelling bug pokemon of the forest. "Pidgeotto, the evolved form of Pidgey. A Flying and Normal type. It is armed with sharp claws and dives quickly to catch its prey. Unlike its pre-evolved form Pidgey, Pidgeotto can be dangerous and highly aggressive. Approach with extreme caution," Ash's pokedex warned as he pointed it at Pidgeotto. "Okay, let's catch that pokemon," Ash declared. "Pika!" Pikachu agreed, jumping down from his shoulder to get into a battle stance. "Pikachu, use Quick Attack!" Ash said, starting the battle as Pikachu ran at Pidgeotto at high speed, the bird pokemon flying more quickly to match his speed as the two met, pushing each other back. "Pikachu, use Thunderbolt!" Ash yelled. "Pikaa-CHU!" Pikachu yelled, red cheeks sparking as the yellow beam struck Pidgeotto before stopping after a few seconds. "Pidd!" Pidgeotto yelled, flapping its wings rapidly, creating strong winds that tore leaves off trees as the gang covered their faces to protect themselves from the sand being disturbed on the ground. If that got in their eyes, it would be bad news. "Pikachu, hang onto the ground," Ash told his starter as Pikachu grabbed onto a nearby boulder to stop itself from flying due to the winds, "Now use Thunderbolt again!" "Pikachu!" Pikachu yelled, firing another beam at Pidgeotto. "Pidgeotto!" Pidgeotto yelled in pain, unable to dodge the move as the thunderbolt continued for half a minute, causing Pidgeotto to fall to the ground in a faint. "Pika," Pikachu panted, tired from using the move for so long without rest. "Go, pokeball!" Ash yelled, throwing it at the now fainted Pidgeotto. The pokeball rolled around for a few seconds before beeping, signifying the successful capture.

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