Chapter 6: Ash's Starter Pokemon

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Having completed his test Ash is now able to choose between Bulbasaur, Charmander and Squirtle. Professor Oak didn't have another Eevee. All the other Eevees had evolved already and the only he had was now Ria's starter. Ash was staring at Charmander, Squirtle and Bulbasaur, struggling to decide which one he wanted as his starter. Meanwhile, Lucas was watching Ash nervously. Ash and Pikachu were such incredible friends as shown in the series and he really didn't want to take that away from them. "No, they either have to be unique, or strong. Only then will I choose them as my starter," Ash thought to himself as he looked over at Ria's Eevee, Gary's Squirtle, who had also started training, and his brother's Riolu, who was by far the most intimidating. Ash had already seen Riolu was improving dramatically and Gary suspected it would soon evolve. Gary's Squirtle had also been the strongest Squirtle at the lab even before Gary chose it as his starter, and now looked even stronger with his training, also close to evolving. "Professor, I'd like a Pokemon that is strong or unique. So I can catch up to Lucas and Gary and not stay behind them," Ash explained, making his decision. Professor Oak nodded in understanding, seeing the importance of Ash's decision as he went further into the lab to find pokemon suitable as Ash's starter. He soon came back with three pokeballs in hand. "Ash, you can choose between these three pokemon," Oak told the boy, putting them out. "What kind of Pokemon are they?" Ash asked, eagerly. "You will see after making your choice, but I assure you, they are all strong," Oak told the boy. Ash looked at the pokeballs, scratching his head, clearly unable to decide as Lucas reached out with his aura, trying to sense which pokemon were in which pokeball. He soon felt an 'electric' aura coming from one of the pokeballs. "Ash, this pokeball contains an electric type pokemon, which has a type advantage against Gary's Squirtle. I would recommend you take this pokemon," Lucas told his brother. "Alright Professor, I will choose this pokemon," Ash decided, picking up the pokeball Lucas suggested, "Come on out!" Lucas quickly backed away, not wanting to be nearby if it was indeed Pikachu, fearing it would zap everyone the moment it came out. Lucas was right.

As the light vanished a short, chubby yellow rodent appeared on the table. It had a small mouth, long ears with black tips and a zig-zag shaped tail. Each cheek has a red circle with electric sacs to contain the pokemon's power. It has short forearms with five fingers and its paws have three claws. No doubt it was a Pikachu. And not even a moment after being released Pikachu zapped everyone in the vicinity, being Ash, Gary, Squirtle and Professor Oak. Ria was with Lucas, so she didn't get zapped. "AAAAHHH!" Ash and Gary yelled, skeletons appearing briefly from the powerful shock. After a few seconds, it stopped. A few pokemon along with Gary, Ash and Professor Oak were smoking. "Alright Professor, I'll take this pokemon," Ash decided. "Are you sure Ash?" Oak asked, surprised the boy did not reject Pikachu for what it had done. "Yes, I will make Pikachu like me. If I can't, I'm not worthy of being a Pokemon Master," Ash declared. "Pika-CHU!" Pikachu yelled, in reply, zapping Ash upon hearing that. "Congrats, Ash," Everyone said for Ash getting his pokemon, though Oak Ria and Gary still looked worried with his choice. "Well, Ashy has his starter now, so I guess it's time. Lucas, I challenge you to a battle!" Gary declared, pointing at the older boy, who calmly nodded in reply.. "Alright then, I accept. Ready, Riolu?" Lucas asked as the fighting type yelled excitedly in reply. The group then walked out to the yard, though Pikachu followed quite petulantly, clearly not pleased to be there.

"The Pokemon battle between Gary and Lucas will now begin. The battle shall be over when a trainer's pokemon is unable to continue," Professor Oak explained as Gary and Lucas stood opposite each other on the makeshift battlefield, "Ready? Battle begin!" "Squirtle, use Bubble Beam!" Gary quickly ordered, Squirtle sending a stream of bubbles straight at Riolu. "Jump over his attack, then use Power-Up Punch!" Lucas countered as Riolu jumped into the air, flipping over the bubbles before racing at Squirtle, fist glowing brightly with orange energy. "Dodge it!" Gary ordered quickly as Squirtle jumped out of the way, Riolu's fist leaving a small crater behind in the ground. "Woah," Ash murmured, seeing the damage, "It's strong." Oak and Ria nodded in agreement, also impressed. "Alright, one more time. Power-Up Punch!" Lucas yelled, Riolu jumping at Squirtle, striking the pokemon and sending it back as the water starter screamed in pain. "No, Squirtle! Are you okay?" Gary asked, concerned, his starter jumping back to his feet and nodding to its trainer, "Alright, use Tackle!" Hearing this, Squirtle started running at Riolu, head tucked in for maximum damage. "Use Thunder Punch!" Lucas yelled, Riolu's hand becoming covered with crackling sparks. "Squirtle get out of-" Gary started, panicked as Riolu struck Squirtle into the air with the Thunder Punch. "Perfect, now finish this with Bone Rush!" Lucas ordered, Riolu forming a long bone-like staff from blue energy, striking Squirtle as it fell back to the ground. Squirtle flew back into a tree, breaking it in half as Squirtle collapsed, unconscious.

"Squirtle!" Gary yelled in concern, seeing this. "Squirtle is unable to battle. Therefore, Lucas and Riolu are the winners," Oak declared, as Lucas moved forward, patting Riolu on the head and offering thanks as the fighting type talked back happily. "Very well done, both of you," Oak said, smiling as he came over, "You've clearly trained hard and learned a lot on my ranch." "Thanks Gramps/Professor," Gary and Lucas replied, pleased. "I look forward to our battle little brother. I hope you and Pikachu can make things more interesting," Lucas added, turning to his brother. Ash nodded determinedly in reply and Pikachu looked slightly interested, clearly also excited by the idea of battling, before turning away again.

"Did I forget something?" Lucas wondered to himself later that night as he got into bed, Riolu lying nearby, though "Riolu, I can sense your feelings from over here," Lucas said, putting the thought aside for a moment as he looked over to his pokemon, who looked back to him, "I know you're preparing to evolve. If you're going out to do it tonight, all I have to say is good luck. And I'm proud of you." Riolu smiled before heading out of the door, leaving for his evolution. "Good luck, Riolu, and be safe," Lucas murmured, admittedly more worried for the young pokemon than he would say. "I wonder, what could I have forgotten?" Lucas thought to himself again after Riolu had left before shrugging it off, deciding he would think about it more in the morning.


Unfortunately, what Lucas had forgotten was that Ash was still at the lab, being chased by Pikachu who was firing thunder shocks after him. "Aaah! Stop it!" Ash pleaded as he continued running, hoping someone would come back to unlock the lab soon.

The Next Morning

"Lucas? Was Ash with Gary yesterday?" The twin's mother, Delia asked after the mother and son had finished breakfast. "No, mom. He should have returned home yesterday," Lucas replied, once again feeling like he had forgotten something as the door opened, the now taller blue and black form of Lucario walking into the room, red eyes glowing as it looked at Silver. "Riolu! Or rather, Lucario," Lucas corrected himself with a small chuckle as he walked over to his newly evolved pokemon, "You're alright. Glad to see the evolution went well." "Car," Lucario replied with a nod, offering a fist bump which Silver returned. "Lucas, Ash didn't get back yesterday," Delia told her son, regaining his attention, "I thought he was with Gary." "I remember, He went to Gary's house. Don't worry, we'll go and check," Lucas assured his mother as he and Lucario walked out. "I think I know what I forgot now. He's still in the Professor's lab," Lucas realised as hurried to the lab with his pokemon. Thankfully when the duo arrived Lucas was relieved to find Ash simply sleeping on the ground, Pikachu curled up next to him. "Well, nothing happened," Lucas said, relieved as Oak arrived, surprised to see Ash there. "It seems I forgot Ash was still in my lab," Oak admitted sheepishly as everyone else arrived and, seeing Ash was asleep, tried not to wake him, choosing instead to congratulate Lucario on his evolution while Gary bragged about the fact he had guessed Lucario would be evolving soon. This caused Ria to have her Pichu shock him, making her, Lucas and Lucario laugh while Gary was left smoking.

Ash and Pikachu were now training together with Lucas and his pokemon in the forest "Pikachu, try running as fast as you can," Ash told Pikachu, trying to teach his starter Quick Attack "Alright, Lucario, try knocking these away. Remember, no attacks, just Aura," Lucas told his starter, holding up the rocks in his hand. Lucario nodded in reply, Lucas tossing the first stone at him as Lucario made a sweeping motion with his arm, a wave of aura throwing the stone back to the ground, causing the pair to grin excitedly before Lucas continued tossing the stones at Lucario. They both were pleased to finally be making progress with the technique, having been practising it for months. "It looks like staying together with Pikachu in the lab alone for the night was all they needed to bond," Lucas thought to himself as he continued training with his pokemon, smiling happily over at Ash and Pikachu, the latter of whom was watching Lucario with narrowed eyes. "Come on Pikachu, faster. You want to catch up to Lucario, don't you?" Ash encouraged. "Pika, Pikachu!" Pikachu yelled back in agreement, increasing its speed. Determined to catch up.

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