Chapter 5: Riolu - A New Pokemon Born

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Lucas' first pokemon and aura bonded partner, Riolu, shook itself as it stood, looking around with large red eyes. After its eyes landed on Lucas however it excitedly jumped at Lucas, speaking excitedly as it cuddled up to him, causing Lucas to chuckle. "Ri, Riolu," Riolu said, looking up at Silver with fire in its eyes. Silver could immediately tell what Riolu wanted, knowing the pokemon well thanks to their aura bond along with the competitive look in his eyes. Riolu wanted to train. It -no, he- knew from their bond that Lucas had been training himself with aura. Riolu refused to fall behind. Lucas could even see Riolu's ultimate goal and dream of becoming a powerful Lucario capable of Mega Evolution. "No worries, Riolu. As soon as I'm sure you're healthy we'll get to training. The two of us are going to be the strongest, alright?" Lucas told Riolu, who nodded excitedly. "But our training won't be easy," Lucas warned, not wanting to go easy on his own or Riolu's training, as he knows this is the best way to bring out the fighting type's true potential. Luckily Riolu didn't appear concerned at all, the fire in his eyes glowing even brighter at the thought of tough training. Then Lucas got up, still holding Riolu to take him to Professor Oak's lab for a check-up. While Lucas might know how to heal basic Pokemon injuries and other simple forms of first aid, a thorough check-up of a newly hatched Pokemon required an expert. Hence, he can only go to Professor Oak.

Professor Oak was busy typing away on his computer at his lab studying some new data from a thesis one of his colleagues had written when he heard someone coming in. "Hoo. I see the egg has hatched. Excellent," Oak said, pleased, as he turned around to see Lucas entering with Riolu, "I assume you want me to perform a check-up?" "Yes Professor, I want to make sure Riolu is completely healthy, and you're the only person I know who can perform the check-up," Lucas explained. "Of course, it's no problem," Oak replied with a smile as he grabbed his medical equipment while Silver placed Riolu on a medical gurney. "Ri?" Riolu asked Lucas, confused, as Oak came over with all the measuring equipment and medical gear. "Professor Oak is only checking your healthy Riolu. There's nothing to worry about," Lucas assured his pokemon with a smile as Oak began his checks, measuring Riolu and checking its heartbeat and lungs with a smile, clearly pleased with the results. "Riolu is perfectly healthy," Oak proclaimed as he finished the tests. "Thank you, Professor," Lucas replied gratefully. "Here Lucas," Oak added, handing him a pokeball to catch Lucas because it was still currently wild having just hatched from its egg. "Thanks Professor. Alright Riolu, I'm going to catch you now. Try not to resist," Lucas told the fighting type. "Riolu?" Riolu replied, tilting his head in confusion as Silver threw the pokeball at Riolu, sucking the pokemon inside before the pokeball released a ding, signifying the completed capture. "Come out, Riolu," Lucas said, releasing the fighting type again. "Riolu," Riolu said as he came back out, smiling up at Lucas. "Someone's eager to start training I see," Oak observed with an amused chuckle, "Well congratulations, Lucas. You've just captured your second pokemon." Riolu then began running throughout the lab, clearly curious about everything as he poked his nose behind every door he could find. "And Riolu is also curious, unsurprising for a newly hatched pokemon," Lucas added as Oak nodded in agreement before Silver decided to follow Riolu wherever it was going.

"That's not a paralysis potion, that's a poison potion you idiot!" Lucas heard Ria yelling as he opened the next door Riolu was at to find the girl yelling at Ash, who was about to apply the potion to a poison type pokemon. "Pichu, zap," Ria ordered. "Ahahahaha!" Gary laughed, seeing Ash getting zapped. "Zap Gary as well," Ria added vindictively, utterly exhausted and furious at how little Ash had learned about pokemon medicine. Ash applied an antidote potion to a poison type pokemon. For non-poison type pokemon the potion acted as it was supposed to, healing it of any poison, but was poisonous to poison type pokemon. "AHHHH!" Ash and Gary yelled as the shock continued to hit them, their bodies smoking. "Gary, you have to teach Ash now, and I will check on his progress. If Ash doesn't improve you'll be zapped along with Ash," Ria warned as Gary turned to glare at his rival. "Okay Ria, Ash be prepared. If you make a single mistake, you will regret it," Gary warned Ash, his expression angry and bitter. "Okay," Ash agreed, knowing it would be better to learn under Gary than Ria. "Ri," Riolu said, revealing his presence after this agreement. "What kind of pokemon is that?" Ash and Gary asked, seeing Riolu. "Riolu," Ria replied, having learned about pokemon from other regions to improve her knowledge on pokemon healing. "Lucas, this is your starter pokemon you hatched from an egg?" Ash asked, spotting his brother. "No matter, I'll beat you once I've trained up my team," Gary declared confidently. "You think so?" Lucas replied just as confidently as Riolu nodded in agreement, looking unimpressed with Gary's claim. The trio then moved in to pet Riolu, who was slightly overwhelmed by all the people, especially when Ash stroked his ears. Riolu growled, sending a Force Palm at Ash, knocking him back into the wall.. Seeing what Riolu had done to his rival, Gary carefully backed away. "Force Palm," Lucas murmured with a smile, pleased that Riolu's first move already seemed quite strong.

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