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3 month later

Marco was still treating Raven like she was a stranger in the house.  Steven got locked up after being caught with drugs in his car.  Raven started her job down at the diner making little to no money at all. 

Raven downstairs sitting at the table with her legs crossed about to go out for a girl's night sipping on some wine and going through her phone.  Raven met Danny and Eve at the diner they all work at together. 

Marco comes downstairs and sees her in an all-black dress which takes him back,  cause she never got dressed up around him or he never saw her dressed up. 

"Going somewhere? " He asked checking her out.  "And you wearing that?" he said.  For over a month he has been feeling Raven but he ain't say anything cause that's his best friend's cousin. 

"Out and It shouldn't concern you what I have on," Raven said looking at him. 

"Cause your my partner's cousin and I don't think he'll approve of that shit you got on"

"Marco my cousin wouldn't care what I have on,  cause I'm grown"

"You're only 20"

"And I do what I want.  Don't try to act like you care when I've been in here for months and you haven't said shit to me" She said getting up. 

"You under my roof I don't have to talk to your ass every day"

"I'll be out next week.  Then you wouldn't have to worry about me okay" she said going out the door.

Marco opens his door seeing her stand on the sidewalk.  "Look your cousin told me to look after you and you can't move out.  And you ain't going out like that" he said

Raven ignores him.

"You hear me talking to you," he said grabbing her arm. 

"I'm not being under your roof walking passed a damn ghost every day, "

Raven's friends pulled up raising down the window. 

"Let's go," Eve said waving at her. "Hey Marco" Eve said smiling.

"Sup Eve," he said "Let your brother know I need that"

"Whatever that suppose to mean," Eve said

Raven walks away and Marco stops her "We gone talk about this when you get back," he says letting her go..she ain't say anything just looks at getting in the car. 

"Girl you messed with Marco," Eve said

"I don't mess with him.  My cousin his best friend"

"Oh,  'cause I never seen him with a chick."

"Heard he was big," Danny said "But a hoe too"

"Trust me I don't want that man," Raven said " Anyways where are we going? "

"We were thinking of a bar maybe," Danny said

"Bitch I don't turn 21 until next month," Raven said laughing. 

"You ain't give it to her? " Eve said

"Give me what? "

"Here girl," Danny said going into her purse and pulling out A fake I.D "Still has your name and everything just put a year back "

"Wait.  How did you manage to do this? " Raven said laughing.

"She got the plug or should I say she fucking him real good," Eve said

"Nasty nasty" Raven said

They pulled up to the bar got out walking up together. 

"I.d's ladies I.D," A security guard said

Danny and Eve were already 21. Raven showed her I.D. getting a pass to go in.  He didn't look at it.  Just glanced at it.  They walked in and sat down ordering two shots of Hennessey. 

3 am

Raven walks Into the house drunk damn near falling opening the door.  She laughs not trying to wake up Marco.  She closed the door took off her heels went into the living room turned on the light seeing Marco sitting there with a drink in his hand.

"Pretty late don't you think"

"could have sworn I've told you I'm grown," she said smiling

Marco gets up going into her face. Raven backs herself up On the wall.  "And I've told you.  You ain't grown yet. You drunk and shit"

"You can stop acting as if you care about what the fuck I do"

"I DO CARE," he said. 

Raven laughs.  "I've been in this house for months and you showed no sign of caring about anything you walk passed me all the time like I disgust you"

Marco grabbed her neck kissing her "Let me show you" he said rubbing her face and looking at her in the eyes. 

"Marco I can't," she said looking back at him. 

"Why not? "

"I've...  I've never.

"Never what had sex?" he asked raising his eyebrows. 

She looks at him shaking her head yes. 

"You dead ass?" He said sitting his drink down on his end table

"Dead ass," she said

"So no nigga never touched you is what you saying ?" he said

"No nothing," she said becoming nervous

"Damn. Where have you been all my life?" he said still rubbing her face. " Come here," He said grabbing her hand and taking her to his room shutting the door. "You good?"

She shakes her head yes.  He unzipped her dress taking it off of her while he stared at her.  She swallows her spit in nervousness.  She liked Him too she just never thought he felt the same way. He picked her up laying her down on the edge of the bed while he got down on his knees taking off her panties.  He starts to kiss her inner thigh "You about me mines now" he said.  Raven lets out a little moan seeing him opening up her legs then he squeezes her thighs rubbing his tongue around her clit.

"Oh my god," She said never having this feeling before.  Her back bends as he continues to eat her out.  "Marco" she moaned. "Don't stop"

Twirling his tongue around her clit feeling her body give in to him. "Feel good? " he asked

"So good," She said seeing him eat her out.  "Right there," she said grabbing his head about to cum so fast. 

Marco didn't stop.  He kept going as she came jerking her body back and feeling him scoot her body right back down "Come here" he said finishing her up. 

"Fuck" she said seeing him get up putting his finger on my clit and rubbing it. 

"How does that feel? " he said kissing her

"Feels good," she said as he kissed her again. 

"Get some sleep," he said getting up off the bed and walking to the door.

Raven watched him as he walked out.  She turns over smiling dozing off. 

(Raven) Broken HEARTEDWhere stories live. Discover now