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Marco is at home chilling in the living room when he receives a knock at the door.  He gets up looking through the peephole seeing this girl.  But he couldn't tell who it was cause her head was turned.  "Who is it? "


Marco hurries up and unlocks it swinging open the door.  "What the fuck Madison? "

Madison starts crying

Marco grabs her hugging her and closes his door

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Marco grabs her hugging her and closes his door. "Bro, where have you been? "

"Group home"

"GROUP HOME? " He yells in confusion "Fuck you doing in there? "

"When you got put out.  I ran away.  I wasn't going stay in that house with him." she said sitting down with tears in her eyes.

"All these years you've been there? " he asked

"Not here Marco.  I was in Chicago"

"How did you get there? "

"I took Dad's money. Why did you leave me? "

"Don't start that shit. I came back and you saw how that turned out Madison.  You were not even of age yet" Marco receives another knock at the door "Now who the fuck" he said looking through the peephole and seeing the guys. He opens up the door shaking his head.

"what nigga? " looking at Quan knowing that was his first love.  They walk in while Marco shuts the door.

"Madison? " Quan said noticing she looked different

"Hey," she said just sitting there.

Quan looks at Marco then Back At Madison. "What's going on? " he asked

"Nothing," she said standing up. 

"Where you've been? " Quan asked looking concerned. 

"I don't want to talk about that right now.  I just need somewhere to stay" she said

"You can com...

"Hell nah! " Marco said knowing he was with Danny.  "You can stay,  but we ain't done talking"

"See somebody's attitude didn't change," she said walking off and finding the guest bedroom

"What's going on bro? " Quan asked again

"Still trying to figure it out myself she just popped up," Marco said lighting his blunt. 

"Nigga you had a sister? " Steven asked

"Twin sister," Kam said

"Nigga never mention it," Steven said

"I don't like to talking about it"

"I'm about to go talk to her," Quan said walking to the back. 

"Sup with that? " Steven asked

"As much as I hate saying it.  That was his first love" Marco said hitting his blunt. 

"Damn.  Now she's back.  Danny and they know too"

"Yeah, they know"

Quan walks to the back knocking on the door.  She opens it seeing Quan. 

"Why did you just leave like that? " He asked looking at her hurt

"I didn't mean to just up and leave Quan.  But you knew just how Marco knew how our father was.  Nobody seems to care"

"You know I did.  And you know I was always right there for you Madison."

"What could you have done?  We all were still underage dealing with shit we ain't have no business dealing with"

"I would have run away with you Madison you know that shit.  You just left ain't say nothing to nobody. You know how hard it was for me?"

"And you think it wasn't hard for me Quan? Stealing money from My dad just to escape."

"You could have got that from me"

"And you knew I wasn't going ask," Madison said

Quan walks in her face "You knew how much I cared and loved you."

"And I felt the same way. But it's been years now"

"I don't care how many years it's been. I still missed you Madison" Quan said looking at sad.

Madison walks up rubbing his face "And I missed you too" she said looking at him. 

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