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6 hours before the murder.

"I think a divorce would settle everything," Ronda said talking to her Husband


"Getting somebody else pregnant wasn't an accident. " Ronda said

"Ronda we not getting a divorce," he said slamming the plate down on the counter.

"I can't be with a man who continues to cheat on me.  I'm getting a divorce and that's final! "

"YOU GONE REGRET SAYING THAT," Ester said yelling. 

Raven comes walking in seeing her mother and father go back and forth. 

"What's going on? " she asked coming into the kitchen. 

"Nothing you should be worried about.  Go pick up your sister and brother for me. ? "

"Ain't that dad's job? "

"GO GET THEM! " He yells making Raven jump

"You didn't have to yell," Raven said seeing her dad come up and choke her. 

He squeezes her neck "WATCH YOUR MOUTH"

Ronda comes over grabs his hand from her neck slapping him "Get your fucking hands off her"

Ester slapped Romda back making her fall into the cabinets "Go GET THEM!  AND WATCH WHO YOU TALKING TO" Ester says pointing at Raven. 

Raven walks out of the house calling her favorite cousin Steven who lives in Minnesota.  But he didn't answer. 

10 pm


I jumped up out of my sleep to three gunshots.  I creep up to my door,  opening it up just a little, seeing my father go to my brother's room.  BANG! I jumped as I saw him coming from my brother's room towards me.  I close my door slowly walking towards my window.  I opened it looking down to see how far it was to jump.  My dad starts banging on the door trying to get in.  He let off a shot that went straight through the door right passed my eye.  It was like in slow motion.  I jumped!  "OUCH," I scream seeing a car pass me.  I get up limping as far as I can away from my family home.  Two more shots can be heard hitting me right in the shoulder.  I manage to get up and run across the street to the neighbor's house.  I banged on the door as hard as could screaming seeing blood coming from my shirt.  A woman opens up the door grabbing me. 

"HELP ME! " I scream in fear my father would come across the street to get me. 

Her husband runs to the door helping me inside. They shut the door carrying me to the couch and laying me down.  Thankfully this woman was a nurse.  They called the police.  They made it within 20 minutes getting out with guns drawn.  The ambulance pulled up.  They come inside putting me on the scratcher while the cops surround my house.  As they call out for my father to come out "BANG" another gunshot goes off.  Everybody ducked thinking he shot out the window.  But he shot himself in the head. 

2 hours later

I woke up in the hospital screaming and crying not knowing if my mother, brother, or sisters were alive.  "Are they okay? " I asked over and over again.  "Please tell me" as tears come down my face.

The nurse didn't want to be the one to tell me.  So a detective came in looking at me. 

"Ms.  Fares, how are you feeling? " Detective Linda asked

"Just tell me," Raven said

"I'm sorry.  They've...

"ALL OF THEM?" She asked looking at the detective and shaking her head yes. "NOOOOOOOOO" as she slams her fist on the bed.

"Ms.  Fares calm down," Detective Linda said coming to sit next to her.  She felt horrible she couldn't even say the words they had passed.  She hugged her like she was her daughter. 

(Like Any Mother Would Do) ❤️💯

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