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3 months later.

"You ready baby?" Marco asked from the bottom step.

"Yeah. Come help me" Raven says.

Marco goes upstairs in the room seeing 3 suit cases. "Hell nah" he said

"What? I need my clothes" Raven said smiling.

"Babe we only there for a week. Not a month"

"Never know " Raven said carrying her bag to the door.

"Give me them" he said taking her suitcase. They go downstairs see Eve and Steven.

"We knew you'll be late" Steven said to Raven


"Danny, Quan , Kam and Naomi already at the airport" Eve said.

"Well let's go" Raven said

They pulled up to the airport going inside

They pulled up to the airport going inside

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Eve and Raven walked up to Danny and Naomi. "Let's go get the tickets" Eve said

The guys went and sit down. The girls walked up getting they tickets. "So we getting there late and I'm sad about it. But the club open" Danny said

"Shit I'm down" Naomi said

3 gentleman walks up seeing the girls laughing with the suitcase. "Ladies need a hand? " one man said

"No thank you" Naomi said turning around smiling.

"You sure? " he asked smiling back at Naomi.

"I'm sure. "

"What's your name beautiful? " he asked walking up to Naomi


"Look bro" Quan said tapping Kam.

Kam got up walking over there grabbing Naomi arm. "She good. Fuck you doing? " he asked

"Nothing" Naomi said

The girls laugh. "He just asked if we needed help. I said no" Naomi said

"Awe okay. My bad. He smiling and shit at you" Kam said

Marco walks up kissing Raven "You lucky it wasn't you" he said pointing at her forehead

Raven laughs "Yes today was my lucky day, cause I don't have time to try to calm you down"

"I don't play about you" Marco said rubbing his hand through her hair.

"I know" she said grabbing his face.

6 hours later

They hoped in a rental going to the hotel room

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They hoped in a rental going to the hotel room. "Look I don't know about y'all. But we grabbing our own room" Marco said

"Damn nigga" Quan said

"That coo anyways" Kam said

They pulled up to the hotel. The girls went in getting the rooms. While the guys get the suit cases.

Raven & Marco room

Raven & Marco room

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Steven and Eve

Raven and Marco walks in the room

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Raven and Marco walks in the room. Marco sit down the suit cases. "Yeah this it" he said.

"I'm going to shower. We decided to go out"

"Alright coo. I'll be in there " Marco said seeing her go in the bathroom while he took they clothes and put them up. He was going through Raven bag taking her stuff out. He seen a receipt of a million dollars transferred into her account. He raised his eyebrow looking up.

Raven in the shower when Marco joins her. Raven turns around kissing him. He wraps his hand around her waist.

"Baby" Marco said while she still kissing him

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"Baby" Marco said while she still kissing him. "I seen a receipt of A million dollars"

Raven stops kissing him looking at him.

"Fuck you get that type of money from? Look I wasn't just looking through. I was putting our stuff away"

"From my mom and dad insurance"

"Damn that much? " he asked


"Awe okay. Well you deserve it." he said kissing her.. He pushed up her on he wall taking her hands putting over her head. He grabbed her face. "You okay about this? "

"Why you ask? "

"Cause of what you went through" he said

Raven shook her head yea. Marco sit down letting Raven climb on top of him . She stick it in herself letting out a moan.  She starts going up and down. "Fuck, I missed you" she said

"You did huh? " he said making her bounce up and down slow. "Missed you too, damn" He said  sucking on her titties.

Raven tilt her head back. Marco picks her up. They go up against the wall. Marco grabs her hands holding them putting them above her head cramming her. "I love you' he said

"I love.. She paused moaning couldn't get it out.

"You love me? " He said slowing up.

Raven moaned "Yes, baby"

Marco let her hands go grabbing her waist. "Tell me"

"I love you" She said grabbing his dick feeling his long 9 inch go in and out slow. He lift her up nutting everywhere.

(Raven) Broken HEARTEDWhere stories live. Discover now